Microstation 8i, vba, level

I notice something strange. I have a cell with one of the elements on "Level 2".  When I get the element information on the cell, I can see that the particular element is on level = "Level 2".  In VBA, when I scan the DGN file I notice the oEllipse.Level.Name = "" and not "Level 2".  I wanted to compare the oEllipse.Level.Name = "Level 2".  The work around I created was using the level number (which works) as follows:

If (oCellSubElmEnumerator.Current.Type = msdElementTypeEllipse) Then
      Set oEllipse = oCellSubElmEnumerator.Current

      Set oLevelTwo = ActiveDesignFile.Levels("Level 2")

      'If (oEllipse.Level.Name = "Level 2") Then
      If (oEllipse.Level.Number = oLevelTwo.Number) Then


My question is: Why is oEllipse.Level.Name = ""  and not oEllipse.Level.Name = "Level 2"

Dilip Bhandarkar

  • Hi Dilip,

    as Jon wrote, DGN example would help to understand better the issue. From your post it's not clear what file format do you use and why levels are named "Level 2". Is it DGN V7?

    As Bruce mentioned, levels are not intuitive in some situations and to try to use level numbers can be confusing. Maybe the workaround seems to work, but it's not recommended to use level numbers (moreover as Bruce wrote, two different "level numbers" exist).

    Without the example, it's hard to guess, but in my opinion you should check the cell you are iterating. Is it normal cell (so not e.g. SmartSolid cell), is it normal or shared and doesn't it point cell (where all elements have to have the same attrbiutes)?

    With regards,


  • I have attached the DGN (Version 8i) file and a JPEG showing a VBA watch for the ellipse (object oEllipse) and my mvba file.  I created a cell named SIGNAL_HOME in another app which has 2 ellipse elements.  In that app I also created 2 levels named "Level 1" and "Level 2".  The ellipses are put on either "Level 1" or "Level 2".  Now if I run my app CTEC_EXTRACT.mvba and stop at the line high-lighted in the code and watch oEllipse, you will notice that the Name (of level) = "", but Code = 2 and also Number (not in the image) = 2 - shown in the JPEG image.

    Why is the level name = "" instead of "Level 1" or "Level 2"?  Thanks.

    Dilip Bhandarkar.zip

    Please cancel my subscription as I have retired.

    Dilip Bhandarkar

  • Unknown said:
    Set oEllipse = oCellSubElmEnumerator.Current

    Does it make any difference if you write this?

    Set oEllipse = oCellSubElmEnumerator.Current.AsEllipseElement

    Eschew global variables.  You've created a VBA reference to Microsoft scripting runtime: use early binding.  Instead of this...

    Public objFSO As FileSystemObject
      Public Sub START ()
      Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

    Write this...

    Public Sub Start ()
      Dim oFileSystem As New Scripting.FileSystemObject
      ' do something with oFileSystem

    Now IntelliSense tells you about oFileSystem's properties.

    Simplify your element type test.  Instead of those If oCurrent.ElementType = xyz Then statements, use a Select Case statement...

    With oCellSubElmEnumerator
    Select Case .Current.ElementType Case msdElementTypeText Dim oWord As TextElement Set oWord = .Current.AsTextElement ... Case msdElementTypeShape Dim oShape As ShapeElement Set oShape = .Current.AsShapeElement ... Case msdElementTypeEllipse Dim oEllipse As EllipseElement Set oEllipse = .Current.AsEllipseElement ... End Select
    End With

    Regards, Jon Summers
    LA Solutions

    Answer Verified By: Robert Hook 

  • Unknown said:
    Set oEllipse = oCellSubElmEnumerator.Current

    Does it make any difference if you write this?

    Set oEllipse = oCellSubElmEnumerator.Current.AsEllipseElement

    Eschew global variables.  You've created a VBA reference to Microsoft scripting runtime: use early binding.  Instead of this...

    Public objFSO As FileSystemObject
      Public Sub START ()
      Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

    Write this...

    Public Sub Start ()
      Dim oFileSystem As New Scripting.FileSystemObject
      ' do something with oFileSystem

    Now IntelliSense tells you about oFileSystem's properties.

    Simplify your element type test.  Instead of those If oCurrent.ElementType = xyz Then statements, use a Select Case statement...

    With oCellSubElmEnumerator
    Select Case .Current.ElementType Case msdElementTypeText Dim oWord As TextElement Set oWord = .Current.AsTextElement ... Case msdElementTypeShape Dim oShape As ShapeElement Set oShape = .Current.AsShapeElement ... Case msdElementTypeEllipse Dim oEllipse As EllipseElement Set oEllipse = .Current.AsEllipseElement ... End Select
    End With

    Regards, Jon Summers
    LA Solutions

    Answer Verified By: Robert Hook 
