Configuring Microsoft Visual Studio Code to run BMAKE

Hi guys,

I've been using Microsoft Visual Studio Code to edit my CONNECT SDK applications.

At the moment I need to run the BMAKE command externally using the supplied SDK shell.

It's a bit tedious and does not allow me the option to click on an error and be taken directly to the affected code.

Is there any way to configure VSCODE to run the BMAKE command using its integrated terminal?

Are there other alternatives to VSCODE that offer this functionality?



  • Is there any way to configure VSCODE to run the BMAKE command using its integrated terminal?

    I can only tell you what I do as your mileage may vary.  I run the MicroStationDeveloperShell.bat file in the VSC terminal and pass the command line options of where MicroStation Connect is installed and where the MicroStation Connect SDK is installed.  Once that is done I am able to run bmake against my make file and ctrl click on the error to jump to that source location.  It is not perfect as it tends to open a new copy of the source file but it works ok for now.


    mark anderson

  • Is there any way to configure VSCODE to run the BMAKE command using its integrated terminal?

    I can only tell you what I do as your mileage may vary.  I run the MicroStationDeveloperShell.bat file in the VSC terminal and pass the command line options of where MicroStation Connect is installed and where the MicroStation Connect SDK is installed.  Once that is done I am able to run bmake against my make file and ctrl click on the error to jump to that source location.  It is not perfect as it tends to open a new copy of the source file but it works ok for now.


    mark anderson

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