C# P/Invoke in MDL functions

Hi friends,

I'm working with MicroStation v8i (SELECT series 3) v08.11.09.578, with VBA

I need to use the MDL function mdlPattern_area in C#. This function has a cellName parameter of type Long.
In VBA this value is obtained with the function strPtr("myCell"),
for C # I have been recommended to use P/Invoke but I do not know how to do it


[DllImport("stdmdlbltin.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
public static extern int mdlPattern_area(ref long patternEdPP, 
                                         long solid, 
                                         long holes, 
                                         long cell, 
                                         long cellName, 
                                         double scale, 
                                         double angle, 
                                         double rowSpacing, 
                                         double columnSpacing, 
                                         int view, 
                                         long searchForHoles, 
                                         ref BCOM.Point3d originPoint);


BCOM.Point3d[] points = new BCOM.Point3d[5];
points[0].X = 440453.86;
points[0].Y = 4639314.61;
points[0].Z = 297.66;

points[1].X = points[0].X + 20;
points[1].Y = points[0].Y;
points[1].Z = 297.66;

points[2].X = points[0].X + 20;
points[2].Y = points[0].Y + 20;
points[2].Z = 297.66;

points[3].X = points[0].X;
points[3].Y = points[0].Y + 20;
points[3].Z = 297.66;

points[4].X = points[0].X;
points[4].Y = points[0].Y;
points[4].Z = 297.66;

BCOM.ShapeElement myShape1;
myShape1 = app.CreateShapeElement1(null, points);

string cellName = "MYPATTERN";
long pHatch = 0;

long status = mdl.mdlPattern_area(ref pHatch, myShape1.MdlElementDescrP(false), 0, 0, ¿¿cellName??, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ref points[0]);
if (SUCCESS != status)

Please, can someone help me?


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