userform resize

my apologies for this thread if it already exists. I was unable to find anything regarding this subject.

in a vba userform, how do you make the userform size to change by stretching with the mouse or maximized to the screen on load and possibly a percentage of that maximize? Most if not all of the information I find is about using a command button to control this which I have tested but it would be better if the form sized itself based on the resolution of the users machine, either by a different screen resolution or monitor size. The methods noted in most of the forums and videos around anything except Bentley are not available in MVBA such as Application.WindowState. If I could get the size of the active application (ie, MicroStation) I could at least work with that.

Any ideas?


Mark W.

Parents Reply
  • Mark,

    Though it might offend some people's delicate sensibilities - there is a way to do what are looking for with vba and various api declarations/calls.  In my opinion, one would only go through the trouble and time to do this if the form absolutely must be resizable.

    1. To make a vba form resizable by the user, see Chip Pearson's thorough treatment here: Note that if you need to update any of the form's controls size after a form resize you can handle the Userform_Resize() event  inside the userform code-behind.

    2. To query the Microstation application window size you need to first get the window handle (hwnd) of the main window with this MDL API declaration and call:

    Private Declare Function mdlNativeWindow_getMainHandle Lib "stdmdlbltin.dll" (ByVal iScreen As Long) As Long
    '// Sample usage
    dim msHwnd as long: msHwnd = mdlNativeWindow_getMainHandle(0&)

    Then you need to call the windows API function GetWindowRect() to obtain the window size in screen pixels.  Not out of the woods yet, because vba units are not pixels, but points.  In all the cases I have seen, 1 pixel = 0.75 point, if you have an exotic graphics card/driver setup that might not be the case.

    Hope it helps,

