oMessage.point.x to word processor

MicroStation V8i SS4

Hey all, I have create some code to place a cell, record that placement point (oMessage.Point) and then start the "place note" tool and populate the word processor with the value of that point. My issue is that is only giving me the value after the decimal of that point. It is ignoring the data that I need. For instance, if the value is 66927.1878173258 (from the expression watch), it is only pasting 1878173258. I need the full value and only 2 decimal places. I am currently only calling a single variable but eventually it will be all 3.

How do I resolve this issue? Here is the code:

Sub PlaceCoordNoteDEV()
    Dim startPoint As Point3d
    Dim oView As View
    Dim pt1 As Point3d, pt2 As String
    Dim point As Point3d
    Dim lngTemp As Long
    Dim oMessage As CadInputMessage
    Dim pt1X As Double
On Error GoTo cleanup

Do While True

' Set element template and place cell
    CadInputQueue.SendKeyin "template active general\annotation\text\Text wLeader T10"
    CadInputQueue.SendKeyin "ac=Location Marker"

'Show messages
    ShowPrompt "Place ID Point"
    ShowMessage "Select ID Point in screen"
    'CadInputQueue.SendKeyin "set item toolsettings celltruescaletoggle=1"

' Commands below will use the placement point above be recorded and use
    Set oMessage = CadInputQueue.GetInput(msdCadInputTypeDataPoint, msdCadInputTypeReset)
    If oMessage.InputType = msdCadInputTypeDataPoint Then
        CadInputQueue.SendDataPoint oMessage.point
        pt1 = oMessage.point
        pt1X = oMessage.point.X

        pt2 = CDbl(pt1X)
    'Get View
        Set oView = oMessage.View
    With CadInputQueue

        .SendDataPoint pt1, oView
        .SendKeyin "choose none"
        .SendKeyin "place note"

        .SendMessageToApplication "WORDPROC", "1 PasteTextInEditor 23" + pt2
        .SendDataPoint pt1, oView

        'Show Messages
            ShowPrompt "Select next point for Note placement"
            ShowMessage "Select next point for Note placement"

        Set oMessage = CadInputQueue.GetInput(msdCadInputTypeDataPoint, msdCadInputTypeReset)
        If oMessage.InputType = msdCadInputTypeDataPoint Then
            CadInputQueue.SendDataPoint oMessage.point

        End If
    End With

ElseIf oMessage.InputType = msdCadInputTypeReset Then
    GoTo cleanup
End If



CadInputQueue.SendKeyin "choose none"
CadInputQueue.SendKeyin "reset"
ShowPrompt ""
ShowMessage "Macro Exited"

End Sub

  • pt1X = oMessage.point.X

            pt2 = CDbl(pt1X)

    pt1x is declared as Double, so you've made a copy of point.X.

    pt2 is declared as a String, so I think there's typo in the above.  Try:

    pt2 = CStr (pt1X)

    In fact, you never use variable pt1X again, so it would be simpler to discard pt1X and write:

    pt2 = CStr (oMessage.point.X)
    I need the full value and only 2 decimal places

    You can use VBA's Format function for better control.  For example:

    pt2 = Format(oMessage.point.X, "#,##0.00")

    Regards, Jon Summers
    LA Solutions

    Answer Verified By: Mark Winegar 

  • I have 2 additional comment/questions.

    The macro does not work in CONNECT. I assume the code to talk to the word processor is different so I just have not looked into that at this time.

    The macro seems to work when the coords of the element are close to the global origin, but it having issues when the elements are much further from the global origin. How do I get the output to work consistently no matter where the element is in the model? I feel that the formatting is out of whack and that what I am trying to do is not possible. Let me know if you have any thoughts. Here is the code thus far:

    Sub Main()
    Dim mdlapp As String
    mdlapp = "XYZTXT"
    If (IsMdlLoaded(mdlapp)) Then
    Debug.Print "'" & mdlapp & "' is loaded"
    ShowMessage "'" & mdlapp & "' is loaded"
    Debug.Print "'" & mdlapp & "' is not loaded"
    ShowMessage "'" & mdlapp & "' is not loaded"
    End If
    End Sub
    ' ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    Function IsMdlLoaded(appName As String) As Boolean
    IsMdlLoaded = False
    On Error GoTo err_IsMdlLoaded
    Const SUCCESS As Long = 0
    If (SUCCESS = mdlSystem_getTaskStatistics(0, appName)) Then
    IsMdlLoaded = True
    End If
    Exit Function

    MsgBox "Error no. " & CStr(Err.Number) & ": " & Err.Description, vbCritical Or vbOKOnly, "IsMdlLoaded Error"
    End Function

    '-- PlaceXYNote
    '-- Placing X,Y coordinates in a note w/leader
    Sub PlaceXYNote()
    Dim startPoint As Point3d
    Dim oView As View
    Dim point As Point3d
    Dim lngTemp As Long
    Dim oMessage As CadInputMessage
    Dim pt1 As Point3d
    Dim pt2 As String
    Dim pt3 As String
    Dim pt4 As String

    On Error GoTo cleanup
    Do While True

    'Show messages
    ShowPrompt "Select Placement Point"
    ShowMessage "Select Placement Point"
    CadInputQueue.SendKeyin "namedgroup delete Temp1"
    CadInputQueue.SendKeyin "place node"

    ' Commands below will use the placement point above be recorded and use
    Set oMessage = CadInputQueue.GetInput(msdCadInputTypeDataPoint, msdCadInputTypeReset)
    If oMessage.InputType = msdCadInputTypeDataPoint Then
    CadInputQueue.SendDataPoint oMessage.point
    pt1 = oMessage.point
    pt2 = Format(oMessage.point.Y, "###0.00") 'Northing
    pt3 = Format(oMessage.point.X, "###0.00") 'Easting

    'Get View
    Set oView = oMessage.View

    'Get Startpoint
    CadInputQueue.SendKeyin "choose last"
    CadInputQueue.SendKeyin "namedgroup create Temp1"

    With CadInputQueue
    .SendKeyin "place note"

    .SendMessageToApplication "WORDPROC", "1 PasteTextInEditor 14" + "X" + "X=" + pt3 + Chr$(13) + "Y=" + pt2

    .SendDataPoint pt1, oView
    'Show Messages
    ShowPrompt "Select next point for Note placement"
    ShowMessage "Select next point for Note placement"
    Set oMessage = CadInputQueue.GetInput(msdCadInputTypeDataPoint, msdCadInputTypeReset)
    If oMessage.InputType = msdCadInputTypeDataPoint Then
    CadInputQueue.SendDataPoint oMessage.point

    CadInputQueue.SendKeyin "choose group set temp1"
    CadInputQueue.SendKeyin "delete"
    CadInputQueue.SendKeyin "choose none"
    CadInputQueue.SendKeyin "namedgroup delete Temp1"

    End If

    End With

    ElseIf oMessage.InputType = msdCadInputTypeReset Then
    GoTo cleanup
    End If


    CadInputQueue.SendKeyin "choose none"
    CadInputQueue.SendKeyin "reset"
    ShowPrompt ""
    ShowMessage "PlaceXYNote Exited"

    End Sub

  • The macro does not work in CONNECT

    Please start a new thread.  While VBA for CONNECT is mostly the same as V8, you are calling some MDL functions that may require some additional tweaking where you declare them.

    pt2 = Format(oMessage.point.Y, "###0.00") 'Northing
    pt3 = Format(oMessage.point.X, "###0.00") 'Easting

    Prefer named variables to comments.  Comments wear out over time.  This expresses better your intents...

    Dim easting As String
    easting = Format(oMessage.point.X, "###0.00")
    Dim northing As String
    northing = Format(oMessage.point.Y, "###0.00")
    The macro seems to work when the coords of the element are close to the global origin, but it having issues when the elements are much further from the global origin

    Please provide an example!

    Regards, Jon Summers
    LA Solutions

  • The macro does not work in CONNECT

    Please start a new thread.  While VBA for CONNECT is mostly the same as V8, you are calling some MDL functions that may require some additional tweaking where you declare them.

    pt2 = Format(oMessage.point.Y, "###0.00") 'Northing
    pt3 = Format(oMessage.point.X, "###0.00") 'Easting

    Prefer named variables to comments.  Comments wear out over time.  This expresses better your intents...

    Dim easting As String
    easting = Format(oMessage.point.X, "###0.00")
    Dim northing As String
    northing = Format(oMessage.point.Y, "###0.00")
    The macro seems to work when the coords of the element are close to the global origin, but it having issues when the elements are much further from the global origin

    Please provide an example!

    Regards, Jon Summers
    LA Solutions
