[V8i C#] Add Category attribute to a class programmatically


in MicroStation V8i (SELECTseries 4), using C# and EC SDK, I am creating EC schema "on the fly" as necessary based on external data source and save it to file (so the schema is not created externally using Bentley Class Editor).

I am able to create the schema, add classes and it seems there are also no problems with attributes like Units or ECCalculatedProperty.

I have a problem with Category attribute I'd like to attach to different classes to control how they will be displayed in Element Information dialog. I know the attribute definition is stored in EditorCustomAttributes supplemental schema, but I have not found a way how to reference this schema with my schema.

I know I can access different standard schemas using StandardSchemas class, but it does not contain EditorCustomAttributes.

What is the right solution, when there are ECSchema and ECClass instances available, to reference the supplement schema (as far as I know there is no xml file for EditorCustomAttributes available in V8i installation) using C# code?

With regards,
