Clear Message Center

How does one clear the Message Center programmatically?  I'd like to do that with MicroStation V8 and MicroStation CONNECT.

  • Hi ,

    Although as YongAn points out this is an available public key-in (typically user executed). Please exercise some caution/restraint for when you may perform this operation from an application.  Consider allowing it to be user configurable as a preference within your app. Some users and conditions may rely on (prior) details being present for troubleshooting, copy and paste, or other workflows we cannot always predict.  The messages being present for troubleshooting scenarios are by for most important to be able to rely on obtaining when those needs arise.


  • Hi ,

    Although as YongAn points out this is an available public key-in (typically user executed). Please exercise some caution/restraint for when you may perform this operation from an application.  Consider allowing it to be user configurable as a preference within your app. Some users and conditions may rely on (prior) details being present for troubleshooting, copy and paste, or other workflows we cannot always predict.  The messages being present for troubleshooting scenarios are by for most important to be able to rely on obtaining when those needs arise.


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