[CONNECT C++] mdlDim_setStrings usage question


How can I assign value to "mdlDim_setStrings" ? In V8i we could set it easily as code below:

swprintf (dim_strings.primary.single, L"%.2f", fabs (pPnt1->y - pPnt2->y) / D_DGN_RESOLUTION / fc_10);
mdlDim_setStrings (pElm, 0, &dim_strings);
mdlDim_validate (pElm);

But in Connect I got following error:

- C2039: 'primary': is not a member of 'Bentley::DgnPlatform::DimStrings'

Connect Edition DimStrings seems to only have method to get strings:

- DGNPLATFORM_EXPORT WStringP    GetString (DimensionTextPartType, DimensionTextPartSubType);