Foreign language display issue in CONNECT

I have migrated from old MDL application to the 64-bit MicroStation Connect environment. However there are still a lot of resources, such as tool dialogs and messages defined in traditional .R format. They were previously localized to multiple languages in MBCS (code-page) format and it worked in their own language platforms because those strings would display properly in non-Unicode applications if matching OS language settings.

Now, CONNECT is Unicode based application, and mdlResource_loadWString is the ONLY API to get a string from .rsc (we still built a .ma file paired with .dll file). It never read in the string right. I tried to provide .R file in mbcs (flat file), UTF-8, UTF-8 with BOM. None of them worked properly. Each have a different result but all are wrong. I need to see a sample with Asian language (such as Japanese translation) paired and demonstrated how to support localization with the old R files.

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