VBA ABD(SS6) How to Get Start Point and End Point of Cell Element?

Hello All, I'm trying to create a primitive gusset plate routine in VBA to run in AECOsim Building Designer (SS6). I want the VBA routine to draw a 4'x4' box at the start and end of each element (line). Lines in ABD for structural members are actually cells, and as a result, I can't figure out how to get coordinates for the start and endpoint of my "lines". I can only use .StartPoint and .EndPoint when using .AsLineElement, but lines in ABD are .IsCellElement, so I can only use .Origin (I think). Is there any way to get a cell element to use the .AsLineElement callout, or maybe somehow trace a temporary line over the cell to use it's start and end points? I have code that works when I draw simple lines, so I know I'm on the right track. I don't have a lot of experience with VBA and I've been reading the forums, help menu, and google searches for two days, but I just can't work past this. Thanks for any help.

Sub GussetPlates()

'Scan For Horizontal Bracing
Dim StartPoint As Point3d
Dim Point As Point3d, Point2 As Point3d

Dim myCounter As Integer
Dim myElementEnumerator As ElementEnumerator
Dim myScanCriteria As New ElementScanCriteria
Dim myElement As Element

Dim myGussPL As Level
Dim myHB As Level
Dim myVB As Level
Set myHB = ActiveDesignFile.Levels("S-STL-HB")
Set myVB = ActiveDesignFile.Levels("S-STL-VB")
Set myGussPL = ActiveDesignFile.Levels("S-STL-PLAT-GUSS")

Dim myPoints As Point3d
Dim myLine As LineElement
Dim myEndPt As Variant
Dim myStartPt As Variant
Dim myRange As Range3d

myScanCriteria.IncludeLevel myHB

Set myElementEnumerator = ActiveModelReference.Scan(myScanCriteria)

While myElementEnumerator.MoveNext
    Set myElement = myElementEnumerator.Current
        If myElement.IsCellElement Then
            ActiveSettings.Level = myGussPL
            '''THIS IS WHERE I'M STUCK'''
            myStartPt = myElement.AsLineElement.StartPoint
            myEndPt = myElement.AsLineElement.EndPoint
        CadInputQueue.SendCommand "PLACE SMARTLINE"
        'Coordinates are in master units
        StartPoint.X = myStartPt.X
        StartPoint.Y = myStartPt.Y
        StartPoint.Z = myStartPt.Z
        'Send a data point to the current command
        Point.X = StartPoint.X
        Point.Y = StartPoint.Y
        Point.Z = StartPoint.Z
        CadInputQueue.SendDataPoint Point, 1
        'Send a data point to the current command
        Point.X = StartPoint.X + 4
        Point.Y = StartPoint.Y + 0
        Point.Z = StartPoint.Z + 0
        CadInputQueue.SendDataPoint Point, 1
        'Send a data point to the current command
        Point.X = StartPoint.X + 4
        Point.Y = StartPoint.Y + 4
        Point.Z = StartPoint.Z + 0
        CadInputQueue.SendDataPoint Point, 1
        'Send a data point to the current command
        Point.X = StartPoint.X + 0
        Point.Y = StartPoint.Y + 4
        Point.Z = StartPoint.Z + 0
        CadInputQueue.SendDataPoint Point, 1
        'Send a data point to the current command
        Point.X = StartPoint.X + 0
        Point.Y = StartPoint.Y + 0
        Point.Z = StartPoint.Z + 0
        CadInputQueue.SendDataPoint Point, 1
       CadInputQueue.SendCommand "PLACE SMARTLINE"
        'Coordinates are in master units
        StartPoint.X = myEndPt.X
        StartPoint.Y = myEndPt.Y
        StartPoint.Z = myEndPt.Z
        'Send a data point to the current command
        Point.X = StartPoint.X
        Point.Y = StartPoint.Y
        Point.Z = StartPoint.Z
        CadInputQueue.SendDataPoint Point, 1
        'Send a data point to the current command
        Point.X = StartPoint.X + 4
        Point.Y = StartPoint.Y + 0
        Point.Z = StartPoint.Z + 0
        CadInputQueue.SendDataPoint Point, 1
        'Send a data point to the current command
        Point.X = StartPoint.X + 4
        Point.Y = StartPoint.Y + 4
        Point.Z = StartPoint.Z + 0
        CadInputQueue.SendDataPoint Point, 1
        'Send a data point to the current command
        Point.X = StartPoint.X + 0
        Point.Y = StartPoint.Y + 4
        Point.Z = StartPoint.Z + 0
        CadInputQueue.SendDataPoint Point, 1
        'Send a data point to the current command
        Point.X = StartPoint.X + 0
        Point.Y = StartPoint.Y + 0
        Point.Z = StartPoint.Z + 0
        CadInputQueue.SendDataPoint Point, 1
        End If

End Sub

  • Is there any way to get a cell element to use the .AsLineElement callout

    No: a cell is not a line.  It may contain one or more lines, but .AsLineElement can't auto-magically work out which line.

    If myElement.IsCellElement Then

    After that statement, you need to analyse the cell and look for lines. Use myElement.AsCellElement.GetSubElements to get an enumeration of the cell's components.  Iterate that object to find your line(s)...

    Dim oComponents As ElementEnumerator
    Set oComponents = myElement.AsCellElement.GetSubElements ()
    '  Search oComponents for interesting elements

    Regards, Jon Summers
    LA Solutions

  • Thanks Jon, that makes perfect sense. It wouldn't know which line in the cell I want. I appreciate the direction!

  • It wouldn't know which line in the cell I want

    If there are multiple lines there's clearly a problem in finding the right one.  Is the line you want distinguished in any way; for example, does it have unique symbology?

    Regards, Jon Summers
    LA Solutions

  • Yes, the lines ABD uses for steel placement has different symbology and is on a different level than the steel shape graphics generated by the catalog.

  • the lines ABD uses for steel placement has different symbology and is on a different level

    In that case...

    Dim oComponents As ElementEnumerator
    Set oComponents = myElement.AsCellElement.GetSubElements ()
    '  Search oComponents for interesting elements
    Do While oComponents.MoveNext
      If oComponents.Current.IsLineElement Then
          If MatchSymbology (oComponents.Current.AsLineElement) Then
            With oComponents.Current.AsLineElement
              Dim points(0 To 1) As Point3d
              points(0) = .StartPoint
              points(1) = .EndPoint
            End With

    Here's your MatchSymbology function …

    Function MatchSymbology (ByVal oLine As LineElement) As Boolean
      MatchSymbology = False
      If oLine.Level.Name = "YourLevel" Then
        MatchSymbology = True
        '  more symbology tests here
    End Function

    Regards, Jon Summers
    LA Solutions

  • So I think I have my code set up properly, it doesn't return any errors. I don't know if AECOsim handles sub-elements differently than straight Microstation or if it's my inexperience with VBA, but as it loops through, it does not return sub-elements. myEndPoints(0) and myEndPoints(1) hold value 0,0,0 through the loop, and after the initial cell is found, it doesn't appear to recognize any additional elements. All my gusset plates get places at 0,0,0 instead of on the ABD lines. I'll include my code one more time just in case something obvious sticks out. Thanks again for all your help!

    Option Explicit
    Function MyMatchSymbology(ByVal myLine As LineElement) As Boolean
        MyMatchSymbology = False
            If myLine.Level.Name = "S-PHYS-MEMB" Then
            MyMatchSymbology = True
            End If
    End Function
    Sub GussetPlates()
    'Scan For Horizontal Bracing
    Dim StartPoint As Point3d
    Dim Point As Point3d, Point2 As Point3d
    Dim myLine As LineElement
    Dim myCounter As Integer
    Dim myElementEnumerator As ElementEnumerator
    Dim myScanCriteria As New ElementScanCriteria
    Dim myElement As Element
    Dim myGussPL As Level
    Dim myHB As Level
    Dim myVB As Level
    Set myHB = ActiveDesignFile.Levels("S-STL-HB")
    Set myVB = ActiveDesignFile.Levels("S-STL-VB")
    Set myGussPL = ActiveDesignFile.Levels("S-STL-PLAT-GUSS")
    Dim myPoints As Point3d
    Dim myEndPt As Variant
    Dim myStartPt As Variant
    Dim myRange As Range3d
    myScanCriteria.IncludeLevel myHB
    Set myElementEnumerator = ActiveModelReference.Scan(myScanCriteria)
    While myElementEnumerator.MoveNext
        Set myElement = myElementEnumerator.Current
            If myElement.IsCellElement Then
                Dim myComponents As ElementEnumerator
                Set myComponents = myElement.AsCellElement.GetSubElements()
                    Do While myComponents.MoveNext
                        If myComponents.Current.IsLineElement Then
                            If MyMatchSymbology(myComponents.Current.AsLineElement) Then
                                With myComponents.Current.AsLineElement
                                    Dim myEndPoints(0 To 1) As Point3d
                                    myEndPoints(0) = .StartPoint
                                    myEndPoints(1) = .EndPoint
                                End With
                            End If
                        End If
                ActiveSettings.Level = myGussPL
                CadInputQueue.SendCommand "PLACE SMARTLINE"
            'Coordinates are in master units
            StartPoint.X = myEndPoints(0).X
            StartPoint.Y = myEndPoints(0).Y
            StartPoint.Z = myEndPoints(0).Z
            'Send a data point to the current command
            Point.X = StartPoint.X
            Point.Y = StartPoint.Y
            Point.Z = StartPoint.Z
            CadInputQueue.SendDataPoint Point, 1
            'Send a data point to the current command
            Point.X = StartPoint.X + 4
            Point.Y = StartPoint.Y + 0
            Point.Z = StartPoint.Z + 0
            CadInputQueue.SendDataPoint Point, 1
            'Send a data point to the current command
            Point.X = StartPoint.X + 4
            Point.Y = StartPoint.Y + 4
            Point.Z = StartPoint.Z + 0
            CadInputQueue.SendDataPoint Point, 1
            'Send a data point to the current command
            Point.X = StartPoint.X + 0
            Point.Y = StartPoint.Y + 4
            Point.Z = StartPoint.Z + 0
            CadInputQueue.SendDataPoint Point, 1
            'Send a data point to the current command
            Point.X = StartPoint.X + 0
            Point.Y = StartPoint.Y + 0
            Point.Z = StartPoint.Z + 0
            CadInputQueue.SendDataPoint Point, 1
            CadInputQueue.SendCommand "PLACE SMARTLINE"
            'Coordinates are in master units
            StartPoint.X = myEndPoints(1).X
            StartPoint.Y = myEndPoints(1).Y
            StartPoint.Z = myEndPoints(1).Z
            'Send a data point to the current command
            Point.X = StartPoint.X
            Point.Y = StartPoint.Y
            Point.Z = StartPoint.Z
            CadInputQueue.SendDataPoint Point, 1
            'Send a data point to the current command
            Point.X = StartPoint.X + 4
            Point.Y = StartPoint.Y + 0
            Point.Z = StartPoint.Z + 0
            CadInputQueue.SendDataPoint Point, 1
            'Send a data point to the current command
            Point.X = StartPoint.X + 4
            Point.Y = StartPoint.Y + 4
            Point.Z = StartPoint.Z + 0
            CadInputQueue.SendDataPoint Point, 1
            'Send a data point to the current command
            Point.X = StartPoint.X + 0
            Point.Y = StartPoint.Y + 4
            Point.Z = StartPoint.Z + 0
            CadInputQueue.SendDataPoint Point, 1
            'Send a data point to the current command
            Point.X = StartPoint.X + 0
            Point.Y = StartPoint.Y + 0
            Point.Z = StartPoint.Z + 0
            CadInputQueue.SendDataPoint Point, 1
            End If
    End Sub

  • I think I see what's wrong... "myLine" in the fuction is not tied to anything. I will work on fixing it.

  • If that doesn't fix it, post a test .dgn file.  I don't know anything about AECOsim, but I have some time today and could have a go at it.

    Code... We're the good guys now.

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