innovocad disappears?

Hello people, do you know if the company Innovocad, developer of the tool "Visual Studio Tools for MicroStation" has closed or disappeared?
Your website does not work, nor does your licensing page work
If so, I have a very big problem to continue working with microstation

Thanks in advance


  • Your website does not work, nor does your licensing page work

    Search this Forum for threads that mention InnovoCAD.

    I have a very big problem to continue working with microstation

    InnovoCad's tools make it easy to start a Viz Studio project for one of MicroStation's APIs, typically C++ or .NET.  It's still possible to work with Viz Studio without InnovoCad.  In fact, many projects can be managed without Viz Studio — just using Bentley make (bmake) and the build tools provided with Viz Studio (by which I mean the compilers and linkers).

    If you consider the examples delivered with the SDK, you can build all of them using bmake.  Viz Studio is optional!

    Regards, Jon Summers
    LA Solutions

  • Your website does not work, nor does your licensing page work

    Search this Forum for threads that mention InnovoCAD.

    I have a very big problem to continue working with microstation

    InnovoCad's tools make it easy to start a Viz Studio project for one of MicroStation's APIs, typically C++ or .NET.  It's still possible to work with Viz Studio without InnovoCad.  In fact, many projects can be managed without Viz Studio — just using Bentley make (bmake) and the build tools provided with Viz Studio (by which I mean the compilers and linkers).

    If you consider the examples delivered with the SDK, you can build all of them using bmake.  Viz Studio is optional!

    Regards, Jon Summers
    LA Solutions

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