
Microstation V8i (

good morning
I did not find an example of a filter where in addition to the type of cell element I can also add the cell name
you can do it in vba or not

Private Sub ILocateCommandEvents_LocateFilter(ByVal Element As Element, Point As Point3d, Accepted As Boolean)

'  Accepted defaults to False
    Accepted = False
    If Element.IsCellElement Then
                   'cell name check
        Accepted = True
    End If

End Sub

thank you

  • I did not find an example of a filter where in addition to the type of cell element I can also check the cell name

    You need to test the cell name in the _LocateFilter event …

    accepted = False
    If oElement.IsCellElement Then
      accepted = 0 == StrComp (oElement.AsCellElement.Name, "Callegher", vbTextCompare)
    End If

    However, that isn't very flexible, because the cell name is hard-wired into the test. You may prefer to give your ILocateCommandEvents class a data member to store the cell name …

    '  Your ILocateCommandEvents class
    Implements ILocateCommandEvents
    Private m_strCellName As String

    Write a property so you can set the cell name to be tested …

    Public Property Let CellName (ByVal name As String)
      m_strCellName = name
    End Property

    Modify your locate filter …

    accepted = False
    If oElement.IsCellElement Then
      accepted = 0 == StrComp (oElement.AsCellElement.Name, m_strCellName, vbTextCompare)
    End If

    Modify your call that creates the class …

    Dim oCellLocator As YourLocatorClass
    Set oCellLocator = New YourLocatorClass
    oCellLocator.CellName = "Callegher"
    CommandState.StartLocate oCellLocator

    Regards, Jon Summers
    LA Solutions

  • thank you so much
    as soon as I have time, I try to insert your suggestions
    ps. how many things I still have to learn :)

    Massimo Callegher
  • I inserted the first suggestion, it is very simple for my knowledge of vba, and it works, but I would like to try the second one when I have time. thank you. 

    I put  0= instead of 0===

    Private Sub ILocateCommandEvents_LocateFilter(ByVal Element As Element, Point As Point3d, Accepted As Boolean)
    '  Accepted defaults to False
    Accepted = False
        If Element.IsCellElement Then
               Accepted = 0 = StrComp(Element.AsCellElement.Name, "crocetta_ril", vbTextCompare)
         End If
    End Sub
    Massimo Callegher
  • I put  0= instead of 0===

    ¡Mea Culpa!  I predominantly write C++ and C#, where the equality test is ==.

    Regards, Jon Summers
    LA Solutions