[CE U10 MVBA] CreateTransientElementContainer1 question

Hello All,

The following codes come from help:

Sub ShowTransientElements1()
    Dim ele As LineElement
    Dim flags As MsdTransientFlags
    flags = msdTransientFlagsOverlay + msdTransientFlagsSnappable

    Set ele = CreateLineElement2(Nothing, Point3dFromXYZ(15.696, 25.045, -0.64), Point3dFromXY(20.194, 23.7592))
    Set tec1 = CreateTransientElementContainer1(Nothing, flags, msdViewAll, msdDrawingModeHilite)
    'Set tec1 = CreateTransientElementContainer1(ele, flags, msdViewAll, msdDrawingModeHilite)

    Set ele = CreateLineElement2(Nothing, Point3dFromXYZ(15.696, 23.759, -0.64), Point3dFromXY(20.194, 25.045))
    tec1.AppendCopyOfElement ele

End Sub

Pay atttention to the codes CreateTransientElementContainer1, if the first parameter is Nothing, it works fine in V8i MVBA, but failed in CE U10 MVBA, it shows "Bad element". Can anyone help me to test  it in CE U11? Thank a lot.

Parents Reply
  • Hi Dale,

    MicroStation CONNECT Update 13 (v10.13.00.48 and later) contain code to resolve Defect 889318 and has been confirmed as fixed.  Make sure you are running MicroStation CONNECT Update 13 (or later).  If running with the fixed version, then your crash is likely a different (though maybe similar) issue.  If you are a programmer you can submit a Test Case as a new forum post here to review.  If you are not a programmer, please submit a Test Case to the MicroStation Product team forum to review and/or determine if a problem can be identified and addressed.


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