MicroStationSDK Update12 - VS2017 Professional

I am trying to build the examples in MicroStationSDK Update 12 and receive the following error:

Cannot find the .Net tools location for this toolset.  VS2017_DotNetToolsDir was not defined, and registry lookup failed.

I have verified that VS2017 has the .NET desktop development, desktop development with C++ and Universal Windows Platform development workloads installed.  I am also running the MicroStationSDK command window as Administrator. 

Any suggestions on why I am getting this error?



Parents Reply
  • Jan,

    I made the change you suggested and now I get a different error from VcVarsQueryRegistry2017:

    Cannot find the .Net framework 64-bit version for this toolset. VS2017_FrameworkVersion64 was not defined, and registry lookup failed.

        %if !defined (VS2017_FrameworkVersion64)
            VS2017_FrameworkVersion64=$[@realpath $[@registryread "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/WOW6432Node/Microsoft/VisualStudio/SxS/VC7", "FrameworkVer64"]]
            %if $(VS2017_FrameworkVersion64) == " "
                %error Cannot find the .Net framework 64-bit version for this toolset. VS2017_FrameworkVersion64 was not defined, and registry lookup failed.
