Help with moving MDL application to Ustn Connect - LinkageHeader structure not being found

Hello Everyone,

I am having trouble compiling the MT file to the R file. Below is the message from the BMAKE

The line number 40 in the .H file is "LinkageHeader lnkHdr"

[== Building C:\...\<appname>Linktyp.r, (C:\...\<appname> ==]
rsctype @C:\...\AppData\Local\Temp\Bentley\MicroStationSDK\objects\make.opt
MicroStation Type Resource File Generator 03.17.02
C:\...\<appname>Attr.h(40) : error: bad struct/union definition: expected type
C:\...\<appname>Attr.h(40) : error: expected ,, got linkHdr
BMAKE: call trace
    line:   84, C:\...\<appname>.mke
Mon Apr 22 15:26:07 2019, elapsed time: 0:02

typedef struct userDataHeader
    LinkageHeader    linkHdr;
    DSIDataHeader    dsiHdr;
} UserDataHeader;

What Include file or update do I need to make so that the MT file can be compiled to .r file



  • What Include file or update do I need to make so that the MT file can be compiled to .r file

    Ask yourself the reason for the .mt file.  It contains very little except some #includes and the publishStructures directive.  It's job is to convert a C struct to a binary type interpretation stored in a .rsc file.  The type interpretation data is used by the Dialog Manager when passing information between your app. variables and your dialog items.  When the Dialog Manager sees "MyStruct.myVariable" in a dialog item access string it can figure out what type of data is in use and how to transfer data between that dialog item and your app. variable.

    The #includes are straightforward: the circuit example .mt has this...

    #include <RmgrTools/Tools/datadef.r.h>
    #include "circuitcomp.h"

    The first includes common Bentley definitions and the second includes the circuit app's own struct definitions...

    typedef struct batteryinfo
    typedef struct wireinfo
    typedef struct lightinfo
    typedef struct circuitinfo
        } CircuitInfo;    

    The type resource compiler has all the information it needs to convert those struct definitions in the header file to type resource definitions.  Other files, such as C++ implementation modules, can use those same structure definitions.

    What Include file or update do I need to make so that the MT file can be compiled to .r file

    Create a UserDataHeader.r.h file.  Write the struct definition in that file.  #include only those headers required to make it a valid definition.  Include UserDataHeader.r.h in your .mt file.  Include UserDataHeader.r.h in the C++ files that need it.

    Regards, Jon Summers
    LA Solutions

  • Hello Everyone,

    Thank you for taking the time to look at my issue. I created a .H file to add the structures which are not being located. When the .R file is compiled there is an error:

    {DTYPE_ENDSTRUCT,     1,            ,               DTYPE_LONG},

    TestIssue.r(23) : error: expected expression.


    I tried to create a test case:


    #     $Source:  $
    #  $Copyright:  $
    # Define macros specific to this example
    PolicyFile = $(MDLMKI)MicroStationPolicy.mki
    appName = TestIssue
    baseDir         = $(_MakeFilePath)
    MDLMKI = $(MSMDE)mki/
    MDLINC = ${MSMDE}include/
    %include $(MDLMKI)mdl.mki
    #rCompOpts + -i$(MDLINC)
    cIncs + -I$(MDLINC)
    mdlLibs = $(MSMDE)library/
    # Create & compile the app's type resource using rsctype & rcomp
    $(baseDir)$(appName).r      : $(baseDir)$(appName).mt   
    $(baseDir)$(appName).rsc    : $(baseDir)$(appName).r

    #include <RmgrTools\Tools\datadef.r.h>
    #include    "TestIssue.h"     /*  */
    #pragma packedLittleEndianData
    createDataDef(ncitemlinkdata,        DSI_NCITEM_LINKAGE);


    #include <RmgrTools\Tools\datadef.r.h>
    #include "Ustn_structures.h"
    #if !defined (resource)
    #define  DSI_NCITEM_LINKAGE         20
    typedef struct dsiheaderdata
       UChar    appType;     // application element Type (max 256)
       UChar    subType;     // application sub class (max 256)
       UShort   elVersion;   // element version changes ONLY if/when this
    } DSIDataHeader;         // appType and subType's Data sturcture changes
    typedef struct userDataHeader
       LinkageHeader    linkHdr;
       DSIDataHeader    dsiHdr;
    } UserDataHeader;
    typedef struct ncitemdata
    #if defined (dsiRsc)
       short    buff[12];    // 24 total bytes for largest union member
       union {
          struct {
             int    isManualOrigin;
             int    originPanelType;
          } origin;
          char   panelId[8];
          char   dscrStr[21];
          char   buff[24];
       } u;
    } NCItemData;
    typedef struct ncitemlinkdata
       UserDataHeader    userHdr;
       NCItemData        ncData;
    } NCItemLinkData;



    |                                                                       |
    |   Linkage Header - Same for all element user data                     |
    |                                                                       |
    |   Use LinkageUtil::GetWords/setWords to get/set linkage size.           |
    |                                                                       |
    struct LinkageHeader
        UInt16      wdMantissa:8;           // mantissa words: wtf if wdExponent=0 
        UInt16      wdExponent:4;           // exponent for words multiplier       
        UInt16      user:1;                 // boolean: user data linkage          
        UInt16      modified:1;             // boolean: user linkage modified      
        UInt16      remote:1;               // boolean: remote linkage             
        UInt16      info:1;                 // boolean: informational linkage      
        UInt16      primaryID;              // User ID number                      

    The test case creates a.R file and then tries to compile to a .RSC and there is an error because a field is empty.

    Any suggestions?



  • Hi Peter,

    The test case creates a.R file and then tries to compile to a .RSC and there is an error because a field is empty.

    Why you do not share also the created .r file?

    I do not assume the problem is in this file, but when you say the error is reported when .r file is compiled and you do not share the file itself, it makes the discussion sources incomplete.



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