How to get the display property value for CE version 10.07 with C#?

Hi Experts,

   I meet a issue where i need to read the ECInstance's properties, i can get the property name and values, but for some properties, i can't get the unit informaiton, what i need to get is the displayed value

exactly with that show in the Microstation's property panel.

my C# code to read the properties as below,


                        IEnumerable<IECProperty> properties = instance.ClassDefinition.Properties(true);
                        foreach (IECProperty prop in properties)

                             IECPropertyValue propValue = instance.GetPropertyValue(prop.Name);
                            IECProperty valuePro = propValue.Property;
                            if (propValue != null)
                                string strCategory = ECInstanceUtil.GetPropertyInformation(prop);
                                string type = prop.Type.Name.ToLower();
                                InstancProperty instanceProp = new InstancProperty();
                                instanceProp.Name = prop.Name;
                                instanceProp.Type = type;                          
                                instanceProp.DisplayLabel = prop.DisplayLabel;

                                instanceProp.Description = prop.Description;
                                instanceProp.Category = strCategory;
                                string value = string.Empty;
                                value = propValue.StringValue;



  for the Three properties higlighed in the above screen shot, I just get the value without any unit informaiton,  my question is how i can get the displayed value as show in Microstation's property panel?

  I have read other thread in the forums such as 

but i did not get an answer for now, my model is attached,


