[CONNECT C++] Setting up C++ Visual Studio Project problems

hoping someone might be able to help me out. I have been writing addins in C#, but now im trying to start out with using c++/Cli for some wrappers. but I'm getting errors from the start...

here are the steps I took to create a c++/Cli  class project.

1.open VS2015 and create new c++/CLI class project,

2. close and open the sln file from MicroStation SDK command prompt

3. add include location to properties.

4. add lib location to properties

5. then all I did was start to add using statements to my header file. I only added #include<Mstn\MdlApi\MdlApi.h>

once I added that I got 2 errors.

cannot open source file "_config-eccp.h"

and #error directive: Data Alignment must be defined in basedefs.h.

im a newbie what it comes to c++...

  • here are the steps I took to create a c++/Cli  class project

    When you write a *.mke make file and use bmake to build your app. you can benefit from the SDK examples.

    Some SDK examples have a Viz Studio solution, but I don't think that there is any C++/CLI example.

    Try adding pre-processor definition WinNT to your Viz Studio project.  That macro would be defined in your make file by one of the numerous *.mki include files.  You have to replicate that in Viz Studio to build your project correctly.

    Regards, Jon Summers
    LA Solutions

  • okay....

    I really don't know what I'm doing when it comes to these bmake files.

    I did define WinNT and that got rid of the second error.

    but the first, cannot open source file "_config-eccp.h"

    if coming from line 214 of config.h. but I have searched everywhere on my c drive and can not find the _config-eccp.h file.

  • I really don't know what I'm doing when it comes to these bmake files

    Most of us are in the same boat.  I've been doing this stuff for more than two decades and still find those *.mki include files a mystery.  Fortunately, we don't have to get involved with those too often (and only for reference, never to edit).

    The simplest approach: when in Rome, do as the Romans do.  Copy the example bmake files and modify.

    ..\SDK\include\Bentley\stdcxx\rw\config.h contains some information for the C++ compiler.  I've never used it or seen it mentioned.  Best left alone.  However, that config.h has only 36 lines. 

    There is  _config.h that has more lines and this...

    // NOTE: the __EDG__ macro is #defined by most EDG-based compilers
    #if    defined (__EDG__)                \
        && !defined (__DECCXX)              \
        && !defined (__HP_aCC)              \
        && !defined (__INTEL_COMPILER)      \
        && !defined (_SGI_COMPILER_VERSION)
       // FIXME: make this more robust by detecting the EDG eccp demo
       // during library configuration (and avoid relying on compiler
       // specific macros)
    #  include "_config-eccp.h"
    #endif   // __EDG__

    I've never seen that file mentioned nor have I had to use it.  Why it attempts to include the missing _config-eccp.h is buried in the C++ compiler.  I don't know what defines __EDG__ — it's not in any of the __EDG__ files.

    Regards, Jon Summers
    LA Solutions

  • thank you for helping me.

    I can make a test c++/cli with a simple function and call that from c# easily (plenty on stuff on the internet). but when trying to do the same with the SDK im feeling stuck.

    I decided to just set up a c++ project just to get something working. So if you use bmake to build do you still set up a visual studio project..and just not worry about the errors.

    I get the same exact error in my c++ project. whenever I add any of the include header files from the SDK I get that cannot open source file "_config-eccp.h" error. I set up my additional include and lib locations in the project settings and my include statements are valid and intillesense is working as the header files show up as im typing the include statement.

    should I be going about this is a different way. I like the intellisense of visual studio. are there certain header files I need to include first??

    i feel like once i get by this set up stuff i could get going.

  • Hi ,

    For a handful of reasons we too would like to soon add a (simple, good and practical) C++/CLI example in the SDK.

    I will discuss this with development to identify a small practical and beneficial example and file an Enhancement to add it to the SDK, then update this thread.  Once we have an example available (having both .mke and .sln) I will see about updating our (simple and already dated VS2015) MicroStation Visual Studio Extensions project templates.

    Until then and specific to your current concern, "_config-eccp.h" (IntelliSense database build Error) has been mentioned a few times and from my experience can be resolved/ignored if you use the "Build" option (vs. Build + IntelliSense).  This article clearly shows the option I am referring to, and goes further (though I have not had a need or tested) providing multiple steps on how to manually clean up a (corrupt?) intelliSense solution database; (if needed) see: Fixing Visual Studio Intellisense Errors.


    Answer Verified By: John Drsek 

  • Robert thank you for the link to the Visual Studio Extensions I was unaware of this. I was able to use that and actually built my project. so thankful for that Smiley finially made some progress

    a c++/CLI example would be great. I would like to see an example of wrapping a function so c# developers and use things like adding fields to text like the CreateForElement function.


    here is my new plan of attack

    give up on c++/cli for now.

    use the template in the extensions that you linked above.

    write a function and export it to c.

    use dll import in c# to access the function.

    i did a quick test and was able to get this to work.

    here is same sample code. the end goal that I wanted was to be able to add a field to a text element. so I took this code...


    made it into one function like this....

    bool AddField(__int64 ElementID)
    	DgnModelP       pActiveModel = ISessionMgr::GetActiveDgnModelP();
    	TextBlockPropertiesPtr  pTBProp = TextBlockProperties::Create(*pActiveModel);
    	ParagraphPropertiesPtr  pParaProp = ParagraphProperties::Create(*pActiveModel);
    	DgnTextStylePtr         pTextStyle = DgnTextStyle::GetActive();
    	RunPropertiesPtr        pRunProp = RunProperties::Create(*pTextStyle, *pActiveModel);
    	TextBlockPtr pTextBlock = TextBlock::Create(*pTBProp, *pParaProp, *pRunProp, *pActiveModel);
    	pTextBlock->AppendText(L"This is a ViewIndependent text");
    	DgnFileP   pDgnFile = ISessionMgr::GetActiveDgnFile();
    	SchemaInfo schemaInfo(ECN::SchemaKey(L"DgnElementSchema", 1, 0), *pDgnFile);
    	DgnECManagerR ecMan = DgnECManager::GetManager();
    	ECN::ECSchemaPtr pSchema = ecMan.LocateSchemaInDgnFile(schemaInfo, ECN::SchemaMatchType::SCHEMAMATCHTYPE_LatestCompatible);
    	if (pSchema == NULL)
    		return false;
    	ECN::ECClassCR   ecClass = *pSchema->GetClassCP(L"ArcElement");
    	ElementId  elemId = ElementID;  // An arc element id
    	ElementHandle elem(elemId, pActiveModel);
    	if (!elem.IsValid())
    		return false;
    	DgnElementECInstancePtr pElemInst = ecMan.FindInstanceOnElement(elem, ecClass);
    	TextFieldPtr pField = TextField::CreateForElement(*pElemInst, L"Length", nullptr, *pActiveModel);
    	if (pField != NULL)
    	EditElementHandle  eeh;
    		TextHandlerBase::CreateElement(eeh, nullptr, *pTextBlock))
    	return true;

    I needed these two additional includes (added of the top of my cpp file.)

    #include <Mstn\ISessionMgr.h>
    #include <DgnPlatform\DgnPlatformAPI.h>

    defined it in the header file like this...

    extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) bool AddField(__int64 ElementID);

    and had to add this linker to the mke file

    LINKER_LIBRARIES + $(mdlLibs)ECObjects.lib

    then back in my c# addin and added a dllimport

    private static extern bool AddField(Int64 ElementID);

    and then just called it in my method

    //test dll function
    bool result = AddField(1637);

    it returned true and the text element with field was added to the model.

    this is all still pretty rough code, going to update it a little bit for my needs but hopefully this helps others.

  • Robert thank you for the link to the Visual Studio Extensions I was unaware of this. I was able to use that and actually built my project. so thankful for that Smiley finially made some progress

    a c++/CLI example would be great. I would like to see an example of wrapping a function so c# developers and use things like adding fields to text like the CreateForElement function.


    here is my new plan of attack

    give up on c++/cli for now.

    use the template in the extensions that you linked above.

    write a function and export it to c.

    use dll import in c# to access the function.

    i did a quick test and was able to get this to work.

    here is same sample code. the end goal that I wanted was to be able to add a field to a text element. so I took this code...


    made it into one function like this....

    bool AddField(__int64 ElementID)
    	DgnModelP       pActiveModel = ISessionMgr::GetActiveDgnModelP();
    	TextBlockPropertiesPtr  pTBProp = TextBlockProperties::Create(*pActiveModel);
    	ParagraphPropertiesPtr  pParaProp = ParagraphProperties::Create(*pActiveModel);
    	DgnTextStylePtr         pTextStyle = DgnTextStyle::GetActive();
    	RunPropertiesPtr        pRunProp = RunProperties::Create(*pTextStyle, *pActiveModel);
    	TextBlockPtr pTextBlock = TextBlock::Create(*pTBProp, *pParaProp, *pRunProp, *pActiveModel);
    	pTextBlock->AppendText(L"This is a ViewIndependent text");
    	DgnFileP   pDgnFile = ISessionMgr::GetActiveDgnFile();
    	SchemaInfo schemaInfo(ECN::SchemaKey(L"DgnElementSchema", 1, 0), *pDgnFile);
    	DgnECManagerR ecMan = DgnECManager::GetManager();
    	ECN::ECSchemaPtr pSchema = ecMan.LocateSchemaInDgnFile(schemaInfo, ECN::SchemaMatchType::SCHEMAMATCHTYPE_LatestCompatible);
    	if (pSchema == NULL)
    		return false;
    	ECN::ECClassCR   ecClass = *pSchema->GetClassCP(L"ArcElement");
    	ElementId  elemId = ElementID;  // An arc element id
    	ElementHandle elem(elemId, pActiveModel);
    	if (!elem.IsValid())
    		return false;
    	DgnElementECInstancePtr pElemInst = ecMan.FindInstanceOnElement(elem, ecClass);
    	TextFieldPtr pField = TextField::CreateForElement(*pElemInst, L"Length", nullptr, *pActiveModel);
    	if (pField != NULL)
    	EditElementHandle  eeh;
    		TextHandlerBase::CreateElement(eeh, nullptr, *pTextBlock))
    	return true;

    I needed these two additional includes (added of the top of my cpp file.)

    #include <Mstn\ISessionMgr.h>
    #include <DgnPlatform\DgnPlatformAPI.h>

    defined it in the header file like this...

    extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) bool AddField(__int64 ElementID);

    and had to add this linker to the mke file

    LINKER_LIBRARIES + $(mdlLibs)ECObjects.lib

    then back in my c# addin and added a dllimport

    private static extern bool AddField(Int64 ElementID);

    and then just called it in my method

    //test dll function
    bool result = AddField(1637);

    it returned true and the text element with field was added to the model.

    this is all still pretty rough code, going to update it a little bit for my needs but hopefully this helps others.

  • Hi ,

    Thank you for the update and feedback (and code snips) and certainly glad to hear you are making more progress. Also, if one or more contributions on this thread helped resolve the post, please feel free to mark one or more of the responses as More > Verify Answer so other users can quickly pick up relevant pieces towards a solution.

    Again, thank you for your update.


  • a c++/CLI example would be great.

    Well, I am aware one existing example delivered right now with MicroStation SDK is not "a lot", but at least there is some code to start with.

    I would like to see an example of wrapping a function so c# developers and use things like adding fields to text like the CreateForElement function.

    There are tens and problably hundreds of "how to wrap native for managed access" available on Internet in a form of blogs, discussions and tutorials. And there is literaly no difference between some native class and MicroStation one.

    write a function and export it to c.

    It's funny to see how personal perspectives, based on different experiences, can be different: I treat this approach more complicated than to write the wrapper in C++/CLI ;-)

    With regards,


  • Jan,

    There are tens and problably hundreds of "how to wrap native for managed access"

    while I agree that there are examples out there. and I have used them. and have successfully created ones. the main difference I guess comes down to the bmake files I think, which the example does have some stuff.

    but I was more so talking about an c++/cli example as a visual studio project (with a solution file I can open). I cant get that part to work, most likely because of the make files if I had to guess.

    It's funny to see how personal perspectives, based on different experiences

    yeah I tried to go the cli route first, just not good enough with the make files. the export to c route was really easy, but only after using the visual studio extensions Robert linked..since the main problem im having is with the set up. Too bad this stuff wasn't in .net then I wouldn't have to go down this road...im great with c#..i try to avoid c++.