I need help with my VBA macro

I am trying to fix a leader line macro that was built 5 years ago in microstation, I put the code below and some images, can someone please help me?

'** Procedure to draw both detail and index leader lines
'** with either index numbers or detail letter boxes.
'** also made graphic group.
'** -------
'** ---------
'** july 1989 position the index number in line
'**       with the arrow head and leader line
'** sept 1989 corrected problem with the index number
'**       for 2 digit numbers and larger with the
'**       starting position of the line
'** sept 1989 corrected to allow upper and lower
'**       case inputs by users
'** dec 1989  corrected to allow leader line to be
'**       put in at active angle
'** jan 1990  corrected problem with detail letter,
'**       so it is put in font 42
'** oct 1990  modified for MicroStation use. (LGY)
'** 02-21-91  Changed color. (LGY)
'** 03-20-91  Made Graphic Group (LGY)
'** 10-03-91  Made "I"ndex the default.
'** 05-08-92  Fixed bugs with default selection "I".
'** 07-17-92  Changed cell library attachment from
'**      "tut1" to "tut5".
'** 05-28-93  added saving active symbology.
'** 07-22-93  added turning off axis lock during execution
'**       of this UCM if turned on.
'** 01-13-94  changed "detail" option for selection
'**       of either Clear/Filled Letter.
Option Explicit
Dim saveActiveTextJustification As Integer
Dim saveActiveTextNodeJustification As Integer
Dim saveActiveAngle As Double
Dim saveActiveLevel As Level
Dim saveActiveFont As Font
Dim saveActiveCharHeight As Integer
Dim SaveActiveCharWidth As Integer
Dim saveActiveLineStyle As LineStyle
Dim saveActiveColor As Long
Dim saveActiveWeight As Integer

Dim myCIQ As CadInputQueue
Dim myCIM As CadInputMessage
Dim response As String

Sub Main()
End Sub

Sub SetUp()

    CadInputQueue.SendCommand "null"
    CadInputQueue.SendKeyin "noecho"
    CommandState.ErrorMessagesEnabled = False
    'SET OUTFLG = OUTFLG ! 8     ;allow menu selection

  ' Save Active Settings
    saveActiveTextJustification = ActiveSettings.TextStyle.Justification
    saveActiveTextNodeJustification = ActiveSettings.TextStyle.NodeJustification
    saveActiveAngle = ActiveSettings.Angle
    Set saveActiveLevel = ActiveSettings.Level
    Set saveActiveFont = ActiveSettings.Font
    saveActiveCharHeight = ActiveSettings.TextStyle.Height
    SaveActiveCharWidth = ActiveSettings.TextStyle.Width
    Set saveActiveLineStyle = ActiveSettings.LineStyle  ' save active symbology
    saveActiveColor = ActiveSettings.Color              ' save active symbology
    saveActiveWeight = ActiveSettings.LineWeight        ' save active symbology

'   Turn off fast font (bit 1)
'   Turn on slow font (bit 2)

    'Does not work.

'   Turn off text node lock (bit 2)

    ActiveSettings.TextNodeLockEnabled = False
   ' Not recommended by Microststation, but this was in original UCM
   ' and it allows illustrator to ignore the prompt to enter data
   ' and place a datapoint instead.
    CadInputQueue.SendKeyin "set parse off"
    ' Turn off axis lock  SET FBFDCN = FBFDCN & 65531

    CadInputQueue.SendKeyin "lock axis off"
'   Setup parameters for user command

    CadInputQueue.SendKeyin "TS=1"          'active terminator scale
    CadInputQueue.SendKeyin "AA=0"          'active angle"
    CadInputQueue.SendKeyin "AS=1"          'active scale"

'   Start user command prompting

   ' LEADER:
End Sub

Sub LeaderType()

Dim index As Boolean
Dim response As String

response = ""
index = True

    ShowStatus ""
    ShowError ""
    ShowCommand "LEADER LINE User Command (Graphic Group)"
'   TOP:
    ShowPrompt "Select Type I)ndex or D)etail:  [I]"
    Set myCIQ = CadInputQueue
    Set myCIM = myCIQ.GetInput(msdCadInputTypeKeyin, msdCadInputTypeReset, _
                              msdCadInputTypeCommand, msdCadInputTypeDataPoint)
    Select Case myCIM.InputType
        Case msdCadInputTypeReset
            Exit Sub
        Case msdCadInputTypeDataPoint
             If (response = "D") Or (response = "d") Then
               index = False
               index = True
             End If
            CreateLineWithTerminator (index)
        Case msdCadInputTypeCommand
            Exit Sub
        Case msdCadInputTypeKeyin
           response = myCIM.Keyin
           'Set n10 = 3
           'tst c10 eq 'UC=',SLI
            If (response = "D") Or (response = "d") Then
               index = False
            ElseIf (response = "I") Or (response = "i") Then
               index = True
               MsgBox "Invalid Entry, Please try again."
               Exit Do
            End If
            CreateLineWithTerminator (index)
    End Select 'I)ndex or D)etail

 End Sub
 Sub CreateLineWithTerminator(index As Boolean)

 Dim myCIQ As CadInputQueue
 Dim myCIM As CadInputMessage
 Dim clearOrFilled As String
 Dim detailLetter As String
 Dim arrowPoint As Point3d
 Dim termPoint As Point3d
 Dim myLine As LineElement
CadInputQueue.SendKeyin "TS=1"          'active terminator scale
 ShowStatus ""
 ShowError ""
 ShowPrompt ""
 CadInputQueue.SendKeyin "WT=0"          'set active weight
 CadInputQueue.SendKeyin "CO=1"          'set active color
 If index = False Then
     CadInputQueue.SendKeyin "LT=BARRO" 'line terminator assignment
     ShowCommand "DETAIL ARROW User Command (Graphic Group)"
     CadInputQueue.SendKeyin "LT=LARRO"
     ShowCommand "INDEX ARROW User Command (Graphic Group)"
 End If
 CadInputQueue.SendKeyin "rc=tut5.cel"

 CadInputQueue.SendCommand "Place Line"

 ShowPrompt "Enter Arrowhead Point"

 Set myCIQ = CadInputQueue

 Set myCIM = myCIQ.GetInput(msdCadInputTypeDataPoint, msdCadInputTypeReset, _
                            msdCadInputTypeKeyin, msdCadInputTypeCommand)
    Select Case myCIM.InputType
        Case msdCadInputTypeReset 'Re-enter "D" or "I"
            Exit Sub
        Case msdCadInputTypeKeyin
            Exit Sub
        Case msdCadInputTypeCommand
            Exit Sub
        Case msdCadInputTypeDataPoint
            CadInputQueue.SendCommand "Place Line"
            arrowPoint = myCIM.point
            CadInputQueue.SendDataPoint arrowPoint

            ShowPrompt "Enter Terminator Point"
            ShowError ""
     End Select 'Enter Terminator Point
     Set myCIM = myCIQ.GetInput(msdCadInputTypeDataPoint, _
                            msdCadInputTypeReset, msdCadInputTypeKeyin, msdCadInputTypeCommand)
     Select Case myCIM.InputType
         Case msdCadInputTypeReset
             CadInputQueue.SendCommand "null"
             ShowPrompt ""
             Exit Sub 'Re-enter "D" or "I"
         Case msdCadInputTypeKeyin
             CadInputQueue.SendCommand "null"
             ShowPrompt ""
         Case msdCadInputTypeCommand
             CadInputQueue.SendCommand "null"
             ShowPrompt ""
         Case msdCadInputTypeDataPoint
             ShowError ""
             termPoint = myCIM.point
             CadInputQueue.SendKeyin "lv=10"
             CadInputQueue.SendKeyin "CO=1"
             Set myLine = CreateLineElement2(Nothing, arrowPoint, termPoint)
             ActiveModelReference.AddElement myLine

             CadInputQueue.SendCommand "Place Terminator"
             CadInputQueue.SendDataPoint arrowPoint
             CadInputQueue.SendDataPoint arrowPoint
             CadInputQueue.SendCommand "null"
     End Select 'Enter Arrowhead Point
      Dim ang As Double
      ang = GetAngleOfLineBetweenTwoPoints(termPoint, arrowPoint)
      If index = False Then 'Detail
         ProcessDetail termPoint, arrowPoint, ang
         ProcessIndex termPoint, arrowPoint, ang
      End If
   End Sub
   Sub ProcessIndex(termPoint As Point3d, arrowPoint As Point3d, ang As Double)
   Dim indexNumber As String
          ShowPrompt "Enter Index Nunber"
               'GET K,LLETTER,R,INDEX,M,SLI
                Set myCIM = myCIQ.GetInput(msdCadInputTypeDataPoint, _
                                   msdCadInputTypeReset, msdCadInputTypeKeyin, msdCadInputTypeCommand)
                Select Case myCIM.InputType
                  Case msdCadInputTypeKeyin
                    indexNumber = myCIM.Keyin
                 End Select 'Enter Index Number
    '  Calculate the position for placement
    '   of the index number
     Dim newLocation As Point3d
     newLocation = GetNewLocation(termPoint, arrowPoint, ang)

    '  define font and character height for index number
        'CadInputQueue.SendKeyin "active txj cc"    'center-center text justification
        'CadInputQueue.SendKeyin "active tnj cc"     'active text node justification
        CadInputQueue.SendKeyin "ft=2"
        CadInputQueue.SendKeyin "tx=.10"
        CadInputQueue.SendKeyin "lv=48"
        Dim oEL As TextElement
        Dim textOrigin As Point3d
        Dim textNote As String
        textNote = indexNumber
        'Set oEL = CreateTextElement1(Nothing, textNote, textOrigin, Matrix3dIdentity)
        Set oEL = CreateTextElement1(Nothing, textNote, newLocation, Matrix3dIdentity)
        oEL.TextStyle.Justification = msdTextJustificationCenterCenter
        oEL.TextStyle.Color = 5
        ActiveModelReference.AddElement oEL

        CadInputQueue.SendCommand "ADD TO GRAPHIC GROUP"
        CadInputQueue.SendDataPoint arrowPoint
        CadInputQueue.SendDataPoint newLocation
        CadInputQueue.SendDataPoint newLocation
        CadInputQueue.SendCommand "null"
        'do another
End Sub
Sub ProcessDetail(termPoint As Point3d, arrowPoint As Point3d, ang As Double)

    Const halfDeltaX = 0.12
    Const halfDeltaY = 0.16
    Const deltaX = 0.24
    Const deltaY = 0.32

    Dim detailType As String
    Dim clear As Boolean
    Dim detailLetter As String
    clear = True

    ShowPrompt "Select type C)lear or F)illed:  [C]"
    Set myCIQ = CadInputQueue
    Set myCIM = myCIQ.GetInput(msdCadInputTypeDataPoint, _
                           msdCadInputTypeReset, msdCadInputTypeKeyin, msdCadInputTypeCommand)
    Select Case myCIM.InputType
        Case msdCadInputTypeReset 'ProcessDetail
        Case msdCadInputTypeDataPoint ' Test for C)lear or F)illed.
        Case msdCadInputTypeCommand 'Exit Program
            Exit Sub
        Case msdCadInputTypeKeyin
            'msg 'er'
            detailType = myCIM.Keyin

            'tst c10 eq 'UC=',SLI
            If (detailType = "F") Or (detailType = "f") Then
                clear = False
            ElseIf (detailType = "C") Or (detailType = "c") Then
                clear = True
               MsgBox ("Invalid Entry, Please try again")
               Exit Sub
            End If
    End Select 'C)lear or F)illed
    ShowPrompt "Enter Detail Letter"
    Set myCIM = myCIQ.GetInput(msdCadInputTypeDataPoint, _
                               msdCadInputTypeReset, msdCadInputTypeKeyin, msdCadInputTypeCommand)
        Select Case myCIM.InputType
            Case msdCadInputTypeReset
            Case msdCadInputTypeCommand
            Case msdCadInputTypeDataPoint
            Case msdCadInputTypeKeyin
                detailLetter = myCIM.Keyin
        End Select 'Enter Detail Letter
       'Assign the deltas and half deltas for placement
       ' of the detail box

'   Test for angle of the arrow line
'   then add the appropriate deltas
'   for the CELL placement.

    'TST A8 GT 360,EXITUC
    Dim LTDegrees As Double
    Dim halfDelta As Double
    Dim completeLetter As String
    If (ang > 360) Then
      Exit Sub
    ElseIf (ang <= 45) Then                 'Left
      LTDegrees = termPoint.X
      halfDelta = termPoint.Y - halfDeltaY
    ElseIf (ang <= 135) Then                'Bottom
     LTDegrees = termPoint.X - halfDeltaX
      halfDelta = termPoint.Y
    ElseIf (ang <= 225) Then                'Right
      LTDegrees = termPoint.X - deltaX
      halfDelta = termPoint.Y - halfDeltaY
    ElseIf (ang <= 315) Then                'Topp
      LTDegrees = termPoint.X - halfDeltaX
      halfDelta = termPoint.Y - deltaY
    End If
    CadInputQueue.SendKeyin "RC=tut10.cel"  'attach cell library
    'CadInputQueue.SendKeyin "co = 1"
     If clear = True Then
       completeLetter = "det"
     Else 'filled
       completeLetter = "dltr"
     End If
     completeLetter = completeLetter + detailLetter
     completeLetter = "ac=" + completeLetter
     CadInputQueue.SendKeyin completeLetter
     Dim letterPoint As Point3d
     letterPoint.X = LTDegrees
     letterPoint.Y = halfDelta
     CadInputQueue.SendDataPoint letterPoint

    ' CadInputQueue.SendCommand "GROUP ADD"
     'CadInputQueue.SendDataPoint arrowPoint
     'CadInputQueue.SendDataPoint letterPoint
    ' CadInputQueue.SendDataPoint letterPoint
     CadInputQueue.SendCommand "null"
End Sub

' Determines the angle of a straight line drawn between point one and two.
' The number returned, which is a float in degrees, tells us how much we have
'  to rotate a horizontal line clockwise for it to match the line between the
'  two points.
Function GetAngleOfLineBetweenTwoPoints(point1 As Point3d, point2 As Point3d) As Double

   Dim xDiff As Double
   Dim yDiff As Double
   xDiff = point2.X - point1.X
   yDiff = point2.Y - point1.Y
   If xDiff <> 0 Then
       GetAngleOfLineBetweenTwoPoints = Atn(yDiff / xDiff) * (180 / Pi())
       'GetAngleOfLineBetweenTwoPoints = Atn2(yDiff, xDiff) * (180 / Pi())
       GetAngleOfLineBetweenTwoPoints = 0
   End If

End Function

Function GetNewLocation(termPoint As Point3d, arrowPoint As Point3d, ang)

     Dim distEndLineToCtr As Double
     Dim sinByDist As Double
     Dim cosByDist As Double
     Dim xLoc As Double
     Dim yLoc As Double
     Dim newLoc As Point3d
     Dim deltaOfXPoints As Double
     Dim deltaOfYPoints As Double
     Dim sumSquares As Double
     Dim sinAngle As Double
     Dim cosAngle As Double
     Dim hypotenuse As Double
     Dim cosByDistTest As Double
     Dim sinByDistTest As Double
     Dim newLocation As Point3d
     distEndLineToCtr = 0.1   'distance from the end of the line
                             'to the center of the index number
    ' Test number of characters to determine if extra space is needed
    ' in the positioning of the leader line for index numbers
    ' along the x-axis
     deltaOfXPoints = termPoint.X - arrowPoint.X      'deltaOfXPoints = delta x
     deltaOfYPoints = termPoint.Y - arrowPoint.Y      'deltaOfYPoints = delta y
     sumSquares = (deltaOfXPoints * deltaOfXPoints) + (deltaOfYPoints * deltaOfYPoints) 'Calculate length of hypotenuse
     hypotenuse = Sqr(sumSquares)
     sinAngle = deltaOfYPoints / hypotenuse
     cosAngle = deltaOfXPoints / hypotenuse
    'If "distEndLineToCtr" is >= 2, skip the Fudge Factor.
     If ((ang <= 45) Or (ang > 135 And ang <= 225)) And (distEndLineToCtr < 2) Then
         distEndLineToCtr = distEndLineToCtr * 1
         distEndLineToCtr = distEndLineToCtr * 0.7  'FUDGE FACTOR
     End If
     'Multiply sin by the distance
     sinByDist = sinAngle * distEndLineToCtr
     'Calculate the new Y location
     newLocation.Y = sinByDist + termPoint.Y
     'Multiply cos by the distance
     cosByDist = cosAngle * distEndLineToCtr
     'Now calculate the new X location
     newLocation.X = cosByDist + termPoint.X
     GetNewLocation = newLocation
End Function

Sub ResetVals()

CadInputQueue.SendCommand "echo"

   ActiveSettings.TextStyle.Justification = saveActiveTextJustification
   ActiveSettings.TextStyle.NodeJustification = saveActiveTextNodeJustification
   ActiveSettings.Angle = saveActiveAngle
   'Set ActiveSettings.Level = saveActiveLevel
    Set saveActiveFont = ActiveSettings.Font
   ActiveSettings.TextStyle.Height = saveActiveCharHeight
   ActiveSettings.TextStyle.Width = SaveActiveCharWidth
   'ActiveSettings.LineStyle = saveActiveLineStyle  ' reset active symbology
   ActiveSettings.Color = saveActiveColor              ' reset active symbology
   ActiveSettings.LineWeight = saveActiveWeight        ' reset active symbology

   CadInputQueue.SendKeyin "lock axis on"
    CadInputQueue.SendCommand "null"
    ShowCommand "LEADER LINE User Command Exited"

End Sub