How to get properties by category


I want to get properties by category. Just like the title in the picture below to classify and export. But only the customized ones that I export can not be exported by clicking here. The circles in the picture are uniformly assigned to "BREP cells". How to classify each class?

Here is my code. Thank you very much.


            IEnumerator<Element> iEe = dgnModel.GetGraphicElements().GetEnumerator();
            while (iEe.MoveNext())
                Element elTmp = iEe.Current;
                LogLine = string.Format("ElementId : {0}  ClassType : {1}  ElemenType : {2}  ElemenTypeName : {3}", elTmp.ElementId.ToString(), elTmp.GetType().ToString(), elTmp.ElementType, elTmp.TypeName);
                Element myElem = dgnModel.FindElementById((ElementId)elTmp.ElementId);
                if(myElem ==null)
                DgnECManager ecManager = DgnECManager.Manager;
                int count = 0;
                DgnECInstanceCollection instCol = ecManager.GetElementProperties(myElem, ECQueryProcessFlags.SearchAllClasses);
                foreach (IDgnECInstance inst in instCol)
                    LogLine = "----ECInstance" + count.ToString() + "[" + inst.ClassDefinition.DisplayLabel + "]";
                    IEnumerator<IECProperty> propertyEnum = inst.ClassDefinition.GetEnumerator();
                    while (propertyEnum.MoveNext())
                        IECPropertyValue propertyValue = inst.GetPropertyValue(propertyEnum.Current.Name);
                        if (propertyValue.IsArray)
                            IECArrayValue arrayVal = propertyValue as IECArrayValue;
                            if (arrayVal.Count >= 1)
                                propertyValue = arrayVal[0];
                        string strVal;
                        double dblVal;
                        int intVal;
                        var a = propertyValue.Type;
                        if (propertyValue.TryGetStringValue(out strVal))
                            LogLine = "\tProperty=" + propertyEnum.Current.DisplayLabel + ", stringValue=" + strVal;
                            //LogLine = UnicodeToString("u53c2");
                        else if (propertyValue.TryGetDoubleValue(out dblVal))
                            LogLine = "\tProperty=" + propertyEnum.Current.DisplayLabel + ", doubleValue=" + dblVal.ToString();

                        else if (propertyValue.TryGetIntValue(out intVal))
                            LogLine = "\tProperty=" + propertyEnum.Current.DisplayLabel + ", intValue=" + intVal.ToString();

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  • hi~

    Well, I mean. How to get the content in the red box separately.

    thank you 

    With regards

  • Hi John,

    How to get the content in the red box separately.

    did you try to search the forum for existing discussions about "Categories"? It has been discussed several times already including code snippets, e.g. here. Also, did you study already EC concepts (API, CRUD operations...)?

    The whole code is quite simple (collected from some older snippets, so ugly not following clean code best practices):

    using (DgnECInstanceCollection collection = DgnECManager.Manager.GetElementProperties(element, ECQueryProcessFlags.SearchAllClasses))
        foreach (IDgnECInstance instance in collection)
            foreach (IECPropertyValue property in instance)
                string propVal = property.IsNull ? string.Empty : property.StringValue;
                // Option 1: Receive category id (defaults defined in Bentley.ECObjects.UI.ECPropertyPane.PropertyCategory enum)
                IECInstance propertyCategory = property.Property.GetCustomAttributes("EditorCustomAttributes", "Category");
                int categoryId = null == propertyCategory ? -1 : propertyCategory.GetPropertyValue("Standard").IntValue;
                // Option 2: Receive category display label using ECPropertyPane
                string categoryDisplayLabel;
                int categoryPriority;
                bool categoryExpand;
                ECPropertyPane.GetCategoryInformation(out categoryDisplayLabel, out categoryPriority, out categoryExpand, property.Property, property.Property.ClassDefinition);

    It contains everything you need to sort properties by categories. The code is just a draft, so there are not null checks, so I guess maybe it will crash when some property, custom attribute or whatever else is not defined.

    With regards,


    Answer Verified By: john siomn