[CONNECT Update 12 C] 'native C' migration from V8i


I am on a migration project from V8i (native C) to CONNECT.
Different messages found on different forums are not clear for me...
The existing project is composed of 50000 lines of code - native C.
My goal is to minimise the changes to complete the migration.
==> The main question is "are native C projets still supported with CONNECT edition ?"

It seems that the migrate tool is *just* a string remapping from old V8i/C to CONNECT/C++.
For example, the constant 'UNIT_ANGLE_Radians' is remapped by 'StandardUnit::AngleRadians'
Surely this kind of syntax cannot be compiled in C file (but in a C++ file).
How can I use this tool if I want to stay in native C ?

It seems that the provided makefiles are not working with .C extension files.
The following message is displayed when the source file is a .C one : "This file is for C++ compilands only"
Is there a way to use those makefiles (with a define or someting) or are there specific makefiles available ?
On the other hand MicroStationCONNECTSDK\include\Mstn\MdlApi contains the needed .H (and .FDF) files with the 'C' functions prototypes.
For example 'mdlScan_initialize()' defined in msscan.fdf found in V8i SDK and CONNECT SDK.
So to me it must be a way keep using those old 'native C' API... No ?

Thanks a lot, Pascal.

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