[CONNECT VBA] Including Annotation Cell in Scan Criteria


I am trying to return the value of a text element that is a Annotation Cell but don't seem to be able to include it in my filter?

There doesn't seem to be a msdelementtype for it?

                Dim myEnum As ElementEnumerator
                Dim myFilter As New ElementScanCriteria
                myFilter.IncludeType msdElementTypeTextNode
                myFilter.IncludeType msdElementTypeText
                myFilter.IncludeLevel att.Levels("D-ANNO-Chainage Labels Minor")
                myFilter.IncludeLevel att.Levels("D-ANNO-Chainage Labels Major")
                myFilter.IncludeLevel ActiveModelReference.Levels("D-ANNO-Chainage Labels Minor")
                myFilter.IncludeLevel ActiveModelReference.Levels("D-ANNO-Chainage Labels Major")

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