incompatibility between liblas and MSCE

Hi everyone, for loading las file and also processing las file data without converting to pod file, i add third-party library liblas to realize this function, but while add the following code lines:

//read las file
std::string filename = "F:/Data/2019-9-08-18.las";

//open file
std::ifstream ifs; (filename, std::ios::in | std::ios::binary);
if (!ifs)
	return false;

liblas::ReaderFactory f;
liblas::Reader reader = f.CreateWithStream (ifs);

I meet some error: OS could not load G:\Microstation\MSCE-coding\applications\cdd.dll, error 127.
MDL Loader: Unable to load library (DLL or MDL shared library) cdd

And i checked that the error occurs if i add "liblas::Reader reader = f.CreateWithStream (ifs);" and i also checked  that the all dependency  dlls are existed.

So i wander if anybody have meet the same problem? 

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