Trying to connect to the DB in CONNECT Edition of MicroStation.

This is in reference to the CONNECT Edition of MicroStation.

 Just out of curiosity do you have any idea why vba can’t connect to the 11g oracle database?

This is the vba line of code that is erroring.


 It works on all the other MicroStation installs. It is just this CONNECT Edition I am having issues with.

Here is a small sample that does not work in CONNECT Edition.

Sub Main()
    ' Modify this Constant as needed for your query.
    Const STR_SCHEMA As String = "ACBDB."
    Dim ADOConn As New ADODB.Connection
    Dim rsTest As New ADODB.Recordset
    Dim sSQL As String
    Dim i As Integer
    Dim s As String
    ' Modify this query to find data in your test database.
    sSQL = "select * from " & STR_SCHEMA & "acb_sp where terrain_type = 'TOWER' and DESCRIPTION = 'GF'"
    ' Modify this text to connect to your oracle database.
    s = "Provider=OraOLEDB.Oracle;Data Source=YOUR SOURCE;User ID=YOURUSERID;Password=YOURPASSWORD;FEN=T;FRC=5;FDL=5;"
    Set ADOConn = Nothing
    ADOConn.Open s
    Call rsTest.Open(sSQL, ADOConn, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly)
    If rsTest.RecordCount > 0 Then
        For i = 0 To 1
           ' Modify the field numbers to match your table.
            Debug.Print rsTest.Fields(1).Name & " - " & rsTest.Fields(1).Value
            Debug.Print rsTest.Fields(2).Name & " - " & rsTest.Fields(2).Value
            Debug.Print " "
    End If
End Sub

Here is info about what I have tried and the software installed.

I am not getting any help from the internet or anyone with this issue.

I have attached a small vba app that will connect to an oracle database and print a couple of lines in the Immediate window.

I made notes in the code of what changes you may have to do to get it to work for you.


I am getting the following error.

Run-time error 3706

Provider cannot be found. It may not be properly installed.


I have been looking and reading all sorts of stuff on the internet and nothing about the issue I am having with CONNECT Edition shows up.

I have been trying to get this to work for weeks.


Please help me.


This works on the following.

Oracle 11g

MicroStation SELECTseries 4 Version

Windows 10 Version 1709


The computer I am trying on has the following information

Oracle 11g

MicroStation CONNECT Edition Update 13   Version

Windows 10 Version 1709