[CONNECT .NET] Can I obtain a ProjectWise project ID and file ID using .NET?

I'm unfamiliar with the .NET API for ProjectWise (PW).  Assuming that a user has just opened a DGN file using PW, how do I obtain PW's project ID and file ID using .NET?

If that's not possible using .NET can I use C++? 

Parents Reply
  • Hi ,

    Can you request or confirm if "project ID and model ID" is information in the following context(s)?

    1. Available only as BIM 360 API - Project ID (Project (field value) ?) and Model ID (Model GUID ?) - where Autodesk APIs are required
    2. Available (also) as ProjectWise Document Metadata Properties:
      1. Where ProjectWise document properties show original - BIM 360 Project ID and Model ID
      2. Or ProjectWise document properties are unable to display desired BIM 360 Project ID and Model ID
    3. Project ID and Model ID are not of BIM 360 origins, and user is asking for (pure) ProjectWise Project ID (ProjectWise folder index value) and Model ID

    It will be important to know the source of desired "project ID and model ID" metadata and Visibility (if avail in PW) since it will determine which API will be required/necessary to access the metadata reliably.


  • Can you request or confirm if "project ID and model ID" is information in the following context(s)?

    I cited customer's question not as a requirement but as a supplemental example to my original question.  Customer is hoping that, since he can get the info he wants from a rival product (BIM360 with Revit client), he can get the same or similar from a Bentley Systems product set.  That is, customer has issued a challenge!

    I'm not asking if ProjectWise (PW) can somehow show BIM360 information.  The question remains: How can a MicroStation client obtain information about its PW project and file identities?   kindly provided a suggestion that requires a PW C++ client app, which will need wrapping for a .NET client.

    See also my related post about the MicroStationAPI DgnDocumentMoniker.

    Regards, Jon Summers
    LA Solutions