[CONNECT C++] struct RefDisplayFlags

struct RefDisplayFlags is defined in DgnPlatform\DgnAttachment.h.  In V8, we could get a RefInfo pointer from the API to view or twiddle bits in RefDisplayFlags.

In CONNECT, nothing seems to use that struct.  How can we modify reference flags using the MicroStationAPI?

  • Hi ,

    At this point it appears you are correct and I just provided a response on my findings and suggestions to this point.  I will check with development to see if I have missed something more and reply to this thread and the other if there is another higher-level way to accomplish this migration remapping item or if simply filing an enhancement request to provide a public accessor is the best/only path forward.  My response provides mention of a presumed VBA Property Handler accessor name that should be accessible and provided to VBA via EC.  I also found a migration remapping consumer of Drawing Composition, but I did not want to assume or recommend using that API layer at this time possibly due to higher validation requirements and likely domain terminology differences.

    I will check and report back.


  • The V8 MDL API includes...

    ReferenceFile* mdlRefFile_getInfo (DgnModelRefP   modelRef)

    In CONNECT there is...

    DgnAttachmentP mdlRefFile_getInfo (DgnModelRefP  modelRef)

    However, DgnAttachmentP doesn't have the same set of nested structs that ReferenceFile provides.  Someone probably decided "Let's substitute an API for delving into nested structs", then forgot to implement it publicly.

    Regards, Jon Summers
    LA Solutions