[CONNECT .NET] MdlApplicationClass

The MicroStationAPI provides mdlSystem_getMdlAppClass/mdlSystem_setMdlAppClass that inform how the app was loaded (USER, DGNAPP, etc) in one of the MdlApplicationClass enum values.

I can't see a .NET equivalent in the MstnPlatformNET.

Parents Reply
  • Hi ,

    If you need to determine if the MDL AddIn was loaded as a dgnapp then then you will need to either: call the MDL Native API using the loaded AddIn name, or query MS_DGNAPPS to produce a file list to test if loaded and match against.

    If the AddIn (code) is your own I suggest adding your own AddIn Delegates, such as: MstnPlatformNET AddIn.NewDesignFileEventHandler and switching case on: AddIn.NewDesignFileEventArgs.When == AfterDesignFileOpen.

    Please let me know if this help resolve the issue, need more information, or if I may have missed something in haste.

    Thank you and HTH,
