[CONNECT .NET] DgnElementSetTool.DoLocate

DgnElementSetTool::DoLocate Method has three arguments. The third argument is int complexComponent.

complexComponent is not well-documented.  Does it take the same values as ComponentMode found in the MicroStationAPI?

  • Hi ,

    Yes that is correct.  In MSCE U15 SDK to be released in the coming weeks a new example (..\Elements\ManagedToolsExample\ModifyMultipleElements.cs+123) provides a sample calling:

            protected override bool OnDataButton(DgnButtonEvent ev)
                HitPath path = DoLocate(ev, true, (int)ComponentMode.Innermost);

    FWIW and FYI. Between MSCE SDK U15 and U16 we will be focusing on improving the Managed API documentation (API Section Overviews, Method and Property descriptions, etc.) and further investigation into providing a consolidated .CHM and/or online documentation as well.


    Answer Verified By: Jon Summers