[CONNECT MicroStationAPI] Documentation of DisplayPath contains duplicate information

The MicroStationAPI help doc. has a useful description of Display Path...

Display Path Help

The first few paragraphs (up to subsequent entries in the path ) are duplicated.

  • Hi ,

    Thank you for bringing this to our attention and I will see what we can do to correct this and update with an additional response, enhancement, or defect.

    FYI. As you may be aware our developer help content is generated by directly parsing the constantly changing SDK include header files to extract sections of content marked at public - for both - C++ and C APIs combined. What you illustrate is a single help topic description that exists in two headers; C++ (DisplayPath.h) and C (msdisplaypath.h).  Both C++ and C should provide helpful descriptions where any common content is consistent and where the APIs (descriptions) vary, respective content provided only on the correct and respective content page(s).

    Thank you,

  • Hi ,

    Thank you for bringing this to our attention and I will see what we can do to correct this and update with an additional response, enhancement, or defect.

    FYI. As you may be aware our developer help content is generated by directly parsing the constantly changing SDK include header files to extract sections of content marked at public - for both - C++ and C APIs combined. What you illustrate is a single help topic description that exists in two headers; C++ (DisplayPath.h) and C (msdisplaypath.h).  Both C++ and C should provide helpful descriptions where any common content is consistent and where the APIs (descriptions) vary, respective content provided only on the correct and respective content page(s).

    Thank you,

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