How to get window main handle?

My code is as follows:

#include <Mstn\MdlApi\MdlApi.h>
#include <Mstn\cmdlist.r.h>
#include <Mstn\MdlApi\msnativewindow.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <DgnPlatform\DgnFile.h>
#include <DgnPlatform\DgnFileIO\DgnFileIOApi.h>

extern "C" DLLEXPORT void MdlMain(int argc, WCharCP argv[])
             HWND hWnd = NULL;
             hWnd = (HWND)mdlNativeWindow_getMainHandle(0);



I can't able to resolve these build errors.

Parents Reply Children
  • Hi Jon,

    Its Visual Studio 2017. Opened Visual Studio 2017 using devenv command in SDK command shell.



  • Opened Visual Studio 2017 using devenv command in SDK command shell.

    It's not what Jon asked about.

    It's crucial to know whether you use bmake with mke file to build your application. It can be started manually from SDK shell or Visual Studio can be configured to call bmake instead of MSBuild.

    If you compile the code without bmake, but using Visual Studio building process, it's your responsibility, because bmake is the only standard tool how to compile code.

    It does not mean Visual Studio cannot be used to build the application, but to configure everything how it should be to produce the same code as bmakes does, requires very good knowledge of the compilation process, VS project configuration and all compiler and linker switches.

    With regards,


  • It's crucial to know whether you use bmake with mke file to build your application. It can be started manually from SDK shell or Visual Studio can be configured to call bmake instead of MSBuild.

    Hi Jon,

    I have used bmake in visual studio to build my application.



  • I have used bmake in visual studio to build my application.

    In such case my previous advice is valid I guess: The error message is clear and using its identifier it's possible to find details about the problem (but "redefinition" is obvious I think).

    Analyze detail compilation log (when necessary, switch compiler to produce as detail as possible output). Check what headers are included and types are defined twice.



  • Plus, start bmake manually from SDK shell to ensure Visual Studio does not filter anything out.

    To stick on Visual Studio GUI too much is counterproductive often: To be able to run the whole process manually is necessary knowledge and it often provides good insight where the problem can be.



  • What is bmake output when something like this is used?

    bmake -a +dCcompOpts=-showIncludes hc_microstation

    You have not answered yet why windows.h is included and why do you need the window handle, but types redefinition is often cause by wrong header files order or using wrong header files.

    To analyze how header files are included into what source files, with knowledge of the project itself, should help you to solve the problem.



  • Hi Jan,

    We used windows.h for using some of windows functionality such as STL, DATATYPES and also export functionality of dependent dll. 

    Now i have moved  windows.h to top of include. Now I am unresolved external symbols error.


    #include <windows.h>
    #include <Mstn\MdlApi\MdlApi.h>
    #include    <Mstn\MdlApi\msinputq.h>
    #include    <Mstn\cmdlist.r.h>
    //#include    <Mstn\MdlApi\cmdclass.r.h>
    #include	<Mstn\MdlApi\msnativewindow.h>
    #include <DgnPlatform\DgnFile.h>
    #include <DgnPlatform\DgnFileIO\DgnFileIOApi.h>
    extern "C" DLLEXPORT  void MdlMain(int argc, WCharCP argv[])
    	if (WString::IsNullOrEmpty(argv[0])) return;
    	if (!_wcsicmp(argv[1], L"MS_INITAPPS"))
    		HWND hWnd = NULL;
    		hWnd = mdlNativeWindow_getMainHandle(0);
    		mdlInput_sendCommand(CMD_DIALOG_OPENFILE, L"STARTUP", MSInputQueuePos::INPUTQ_HEAD, NULL, 0);

    Build output is as follows.

    1>------ Build started: Project: hc.microstation, Configuration: Release x64 ------
    1>Bentley Systems Make Utility. Version, Mar 15 2018
    1>Tue Mar 16 18:12:00 2021
    1>[== Building C:\Users\RVARAT~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Bentley\MicroStationSDK\rscobj\hc_microstation.rsc, (D:\Repository\microstation_main\hc.microstation\hc_microstation.r) ==]
    1>rcomp @C:\Users\RVARAT~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Bentley\MicroStationSDK\objects\make.opt
    1>MicroStation Resource Compiler 03.20.02
    1>[== Building C:\Users\RVARAT~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Bentley\MicroStationSDK\objects\hc_microstation.h, (D:\Repository\microstation_main\hc.microstation\hc_microstation.r) ==]
    1>rcomp @C:\Users\RVARAT~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Bentley\MicroStationSDK\objects\make.opt
    1>MicroStation Resource Compiler 03.20.02
    1>   Generating header file (C:\Users\RVARAT~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Bentley\MicroStationSDK\objects\hc_microstation.h) ... aborted.
    1>[== Building C:\Users\RVARAT~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Bentley\MicroStationSDK\objects\hc_microstation.obj, (D:\Repository\microstation_main\hc.microstation\hc_microstation.cpp) ==]
    1>cl -IC:\PROGRA~1\Bentley\MICROS~2\include\ -IC:\Users\RVARAT~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Bentley\MicroStationSDK\objects\    -fp:precise -GS- -EHc -GR -wd4345 -GF -favor:blend -D_X64_ -wd4701 -wd4244 -wd4564 -wd4840 -wd4702 -c -W4 -DBENTLEY_WARNINGS_HIGHEST_LEVEL -DWIN32 -DwinNT -MD -D__EXCEPTIONS -D_VISCXX -Gy -wd4996 -Ox -Oy- -Os -D_CONVERSION_DONT_USE_THREAD_LOCALE -D_SECURE_SCL=0 -DWIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN  -DNTDDI_WIN7SP1=0x06010100 -we4692  -nologo -WX -MP -Zi -Zo -FdC:\Users\RVARAT~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Bentley\MicroStationSDK\objects\objects.pdb    -EHs   -fp:precise -FoC:\Users\RVARAT~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Bentley\MicroStationSDK\objects\hc_microstation.obj D:\Repository\microstation_main\hc.microstation\hc_microstation.cpp
    1>[== Building "C:\PROGRA~1\Bentley\MICROS~1\MICROS~1\mdlapps\hc_microstation.dll", (C:\Users\RVARAT~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Bentley\MicroStationSDK\objects\hc_microstation.obj) ==]
    1>link -out:"C:\PROGRA~1\Bentley\MICROS~1\MICROS~1\mdlapps\hc_microstation.dll"  -WX   -Ignore:4087 -Ignore:4089 -Ignore:4199 -Ignore:4281 -MANIFESTUAC:NO -Release   -debug -incremental:no -fixed:no @C:\Users\RVARAT~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Bentley\MicroStationSDK\objects\hc_microstationlink.rsp
    1>Microsoft (R) Incremental Linker Version 14.16.27044.0
    1>Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
    1>C:\Users\RVARAT~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Bentley\MicroStationSDK\objects\hc_microstation.obj C:\PROGRA~1\Bentley\MICROS~2\library\bentley.lib C:\PROGRA~1\Bentley\MICROS~2\library\mdlbltin.lib C:\PROGRA~1\Bentley\MICROS~2\library\BentleyGeom.lib C:\PROGRA~1\Bentley\MICROS~2\library\DgnPlatform.lib C:\PROGRA~1\Bentley\MICROS~2\library\dgnview.lib C:\PROGRA~1\Bentley\MICROS~2\library\RmgrTools.lib C:\PROGRA~1\Bentley\MICROS~2\library\BentleyAllocator.lib D:\Repository\microstation_main\bin\x64\Release\hc.shield.lib D:\Repository\microstation_main\bin\x64\Release\hc.ui.lib gdi32.lib user32.lib kernel32.lib "C:\PROGRA~2\MICROS~3\2017\PROFES~1\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.16.27023\\lib\x64\msvcrt.lib"
    1>   Creating library C:\Users\RVARAT~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Bentley\MicroStationSDK\objects\hc_microstation.lib and object C:\Users\RVARAT~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Bentley\MicroStationSDK\objects\hc_microstation.exp
    1>hc_microstation.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol mdlNativeWindow_getMainHandle referenced in function MdlMain
    1>C:\PROGRA~1\Bentley\MICROS~1\MICROS~1\mdlapps\hc_microstation.dll : fatal error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals
    1>command table not found in resource file - BMAKE: call trace
    1>    line:  414, C:\PROGRA~1\Bentley\MICROS~2\mki\dlmlink.mki
    1>    line:   83, D:\Repository\microstation_main\hc.microstation\hc_microstation.mke
    1>Tue Mar 16 18:12:03 2021, elapsed time: 0:03
    1>C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Professional\Common7\IDE\VC\VCTargets\Microsoft.MakeFile.Targets(44,5): error MSB3073: The command "bmake +a  hc_microstation.mke" exited with code 1.
    1>Done building project "hc.microstation.vcxproj" -- FAILED.
    ========== Build: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========

    "bmake -a +dCcompOpts=-showIncludes hc_microstation" - 

      Bentley Systems Make Utility. Version, Mar 15 2018
      Tue Mar 16 18:15:40 2021
      [== Building C:\Users\RVARAT~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Bentley\MicroStationSDK\rscobj\hc_microstation.rsc, (D:\Repository\microstation_main\hc.microstation\hc_microstation.r) ==]
      rcomp @C:\Users\RVARAT~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Bentley\MicroStationSDK\objects\make.opt
      MicroStation Resource Compiler 03.20.02
      [== Building C:\Users\RVARAT~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Bentley\MicroStationSDK\objects\hc_microstation.h, (D:\Repository\microstation_main\hc.microstation\hc_microstation.r) ==]
      rcomp @C:\Users\RVARAT~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Bentley\MicroStationSDK\objects\make.opt
      MicroStation Resource Compiler 03.20.02
         Generating header file (C:\Users\RVARAT~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Bentley\MicroStationSDK\objects\hc_microstation.h) ... aborted.
      [== Building C:\Users\RVARAT~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Bentley\MicroStationSDK\objects\hc_microstation.obj, (D:\Repository\microstation_main\hc.microstation\hc_microstation.cpp) ==]
      cl -IC:\PROGRA~1\Bentley\MICROS~2\include\ -IC:\Users\RVARAT~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Bentley\MicroStationSDK\objects\    -fp:precise -GS- -EHc -GR -wd4345 -GF -favor:blend -D_X64_ -wd4701 -wd4244 -wd4564 -wd4840 -wd4702 -c -W4 -DBENTLEY_WARNINGS_HIGHEST_LEVEL -DWIN32 -DwinNT -MD -D__EXCEPTIONS -D_VISCXX -Gy -wd4996 -Ox -Oy- -Os -D_CONVERSION_DONT_USE_THREAD_LOCALE -D_SECURE_SCL=0 -DWIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN  -DNTDDI_WIN7SP1=0x06010100 -we4692  -nologo -WX -MP -Zi -Zo -FdC:\Users\RVARAT~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Bentley\MicroStationSDK\objects\objects.pdb    -EHs   -fp:precise -FoC:\Users\RVARAT~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Bentley\MicroStationSDK\objects\hc_microstation.obj D:\Repository\microstation_main\hc.microstation\hc_microstation.cpp 
      [== Building "C:\PROGRA~1\Bentley\MICROS~1\MICROS~1\mdlapps\hc_microstation.dll", (C:\Users\RVARAT~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Bentley\MicroStationSDK\objects\hc_microstation.obj) ==]
      link -out:"C:\PROGRA~1\Bentley\MICROS~1\MICROS~1\mdlapps\hc_microstation.dll"  -WX   -Ignore:4087 -Ignore:4089 -Ignore:4199 -Ignore:4281 -MANIFESTUAC:NO -Release   -debug -incremental:no -fixed:no @C:\Users\RVARAT~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Bentley\MicroStationSDK\objects\hc_microstationlink.rsp
      Microsoft (R) Incremental Linker Version 14.16.27044.0
      Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
      C:\Users\RVARAT~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Bentley\MicroStationSDK\objects\hc_microstation.obj C:\PROGRA~1\Bentley\MICROS~2\library\bentley.lib C:\PROGRA~1\Bentley\MICROS~2\library\mdlbltin.lib C:\PROGRA~1\Bentley\MICROS~2\library\BentleyGeom.lib C:\PROGRA~1\Bentley\MICROS~2\library\DgnPlatform.lib C:\PROGRA~1\Bentley\MICROS~2\library\dgnview.lib C:\PROGRA~1\Bentley\MICROS~2\library\RmgrTools.lib C:\PROGRA~1\Bentley\MICROS~2\library\BentleyAllocator.lib D:\Repository\microstation_main\bin\x64\Release\hc.shield.lib D:\Repository\microstation_main\bin\x64\Release\hc.ui.lib gdi32.lib user32.lib kernel32.lib "C:\PROGRA~2\MICROS~3\2017\PROFES~1\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.16.27023\\lib\x64\msvcrt.lib" 
         Creating library C:\Users\RVARAT~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Bentley\MicroStationSDK\objects\hc_microstation.lib and object C:\Users\RVARAT~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Bentley\MicroStationSDK\objects\hc_microstation.exp
    hc_microstation.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol mdlNativeWindow_getMainHandle referenced in function MdlMain
    C:\PROGRA~1\Bentley\MICROS~1\MICROS~1\mdlapps\hc_microstation.dll : fatal error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals
      command table not found in resource file - BMAKE: call trace
          line:  414, C:\PROGRA~1\Bentley\MICROS~2\mki\dlmlink.mki
          line:   83, D:\Repository\microstation_main\hc.microstation\hc_microstation.mke
      Tue Mar 16 18:15:42 2021, elapsed time: 0:02
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Professional\Common7\IDE\VC\VCTargets\Microsoft.MakeFile.Targets(44,5): error MSB3073: The command "bmake +a  hc_microstation.mke" exited with code 1.



  • Now i have moved  windows.h to top of include.

    Sorry, but it's not the real solution. It looks like "let's try to change something and let's hope it will work".

    Likely the problem was not solved, but just hidden or postponed, and will return back later.

    When there is conflict with types declarations, in parallel to how and what headers are used, it's important to use namespaces properly. I do not see anything like this in your code.

    Now I am unresolved external symbols error.

    And? Did you solve it? Did your learn what this error means? It's standard (and often received) C++ linker information.

    What MicroStation libraries do you link?

    Plus, when you will search this forum, this error was discussed many times already.

    "bmake -a +dCcompOpts=-showIncludes hc_microstation"

    It's weird, because I would assume that complete headers pre-processing list will be displayed. But maybe your makefile swallows the passed argument, because evidently it's not passed to cl.exe compiler.



  • Hi ,

    1. Bmake Compile errors.  Do you have nativewindow.lib in your LINKER_LIBRARIES list in your project mke file?
    2. Visual Studio Compiler Warning (screen capt hilight).
      1. The MicroStation CONNECT SDK developer shell (currently) required Microsoft 8DOT3NAMES to be enabled.  This long standing requirement unfortunately is in direct conflict with Microsoft's IntelliSense current capabilities and is known to cause issues; like your warning and IntelliSense being able to perform: Peek/Go To Definitions/Declarations.  Since it is not likely Microsoft will add support for a legacy requirement like 8DOT3NAMES to IntelliSense, I am working towards:
        1. Updating the developer shell to provide IntelliSense unmangled (full path) names (shooting for next release - U16)
        2. Verify all required tools in our build chain work similarly
        3. Update all SDK Examples to build w/o 8DOT3NAME requirements, and lastly...
        4. Create a wiki on: How to Update Bentley Make Files and Remove 8DOT3NAME Requirements.
      2. Although there is another coding hack/work-around, it is probably best to simply choose to dismiss the IntelliSense compiler warning by:
        1. Go to your Visual Studio Project's - Error List
        2. Change - From: "Build + IntelliSense", To: "Build"


  • C++ Standard Library

    We used windows.h for using some of windows functionality such as STL

     The Standard Template Library (STL) has nothing to do with Windows.  These days it's part of your C++ compiler installation.  This article may throw some light.

    Regards, Jon Summers
    LA Solutions