[CONNECT C++] BMake .Net Platform issue


I'm trying to bMake my project in Connect and I'm getting the following warning :

Any idea why I'm getting this warning ? I have VS2017 and .Net Platform 4.7.2 installed and modified my VCVarsQueryRegistry2017.bat as follows:


Parents Reply
  • We've always done what you suggested, which is avoid spaces in paths. We can't do that now as our data is on SharePoint and the path comes automatically with the spaces that our company name contains

    One suggestion is to obtain the short file name (i.e. 8.3 DOS name) of each path.  Use those short names in bmake.

    we have a different computer that builds the same project successfully

    It may be that that computer has a different Windows setting for long/short file names.  Search Microsoft sites for information about long and short (DOS) file and path names.d

    If you were to posit that life would be so much simpler if bmake and other Bentley Systems tools were to accept Windows long file names, then I would agree with you.

    Regards, Jon Summers
    LA Solutions

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