[V8i] Add and Delete Design Links within a CellElement


I want to create Design Links (not the ‘engineering links’) to some Elements that are in a CellElement.
Here in the forum I found just a command "ELEMENT CREATE LINK URL xxx" which is only working on a selected Element.
Unfortunately I could not find any API or examples to that topic.

Is that possible to create the DesingLinks with for example an ElementID or elementRef in V8?

Thanks and Regards!


  • I could not find any API or examples [about Design Links]

    The MicroStation V8i API won't help you.  But, with MicroStation CONNECT you can find the DgnLinkManager class in the C++ MicroStationAPI: The Drawing Set interface allows programs to manipulate drawing sets and drawing links stored in dgn idx files.

    I can't see anything similar in the DgnPlatformNet API.

    Regards, Jon Summers
    LA Solutions

    Answer Verified By: Robert Hook 

  • Thanks Jon!
    I was hoping that there is something that I couldn't find. In the CONNECT there are more possibilities but unfortunately I need that for the V8i.



  • Just as Jon mentioned, there is no public APIs for the design link in V8i. Below example is for CE.

    void addDgnFileLink(WCharCP unparsed)
    	ElementHandle eh(2733L, ACTIVEMODEL);  //Here MUST use ElementHandle
    	if (!eh.IsValid())
    		mdlDialog_dmsgsPrint(L"ElementHandle is invalid.");
    	DgnLinkTreeSpecPtr spec = DgnLinkManager::CreateTreeSpec(eh);
    	DgnLinkTreePtr linkTree = DgnLinkManager::ReadLinkTree(*spec, true);
    	DgnLinkTreeBranchR root = linkTree->GetRootR();
    	StatusInt status;
    	auto leaf = DgnLinkManager::CreateLink(status, DGNLINK_TYPEKEY_File);
    	DgnDocumentMonikerPtr moniker = DgnDocumentMoniker::CreateFromFileName(L"C:\\temp\\test.dgn");
    	DgnLinkP link = leaf->GetLinkP();
    	DgnFileLinkP fileLink = dynamic_cast<DgnFileLinkP>(link);
    	fileLink->SetMoniker(moniker.get(), true);
    	WString name = link->BuildSuggestedName(&root, true);
    	WString uniqueName = root.GetUniqueChildName(name.GetWCharCP());
    	root.AddChild(*leaf, 0);

    Answer Verified By: Robert Hook 

  • Just as Jon mentioned, there is no public APIs for the design link in V8i. Below example is for CE.

    void addDgnFileLink(WCharCP unparsed)
    	ElementHandle eh(2733L, ACTIVEMODEL);  //Here MUST use ElementHandle
    	if (!eh.IsValid())
    		mdlDialog_dmsgsPrint(L"ElementHandle is invalid.");
    	DgnLinkTreeSpecPtr spec = DgnLinkManager::CreateTreeSpec(eh);
    	DgnLinkTreePtr linkTree = DgnLinkManager::ReadLinkTree(*spec, true);
    	DgnLinkTreeBranchR root = linkTree->GetRootR();
    	StatusInt status;
    	auto leaf = DgnLinkManager::CreateLink(status, DGNLINK_TYPEKEY_File);
    	DgnDocumentMonikerPtr moniker = DgnDocumentMoniker::CreateFromFileName(L"C:\\temp\\test.dgn");
    	DgnLinkP link = leaf->GetLinkP();
    	DgnFileLinkP fileLink = dynamic_cast<DgnFileLinkP>(link);
    	fileLink->SetMoniker(moniker.get(), true);
    	WString name = link->BuildSuggestedName(&root, true);
    	WString uniqueName = root.GetUniqueChildName(name.GetWCharCP());
    	root.AddChild(*leaf, 0);

    Answer Verified By: Robert Hook 

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