[CE C#]Questions about Bentley.General.Excel.

Hello All,

I'm studying to manipulate Excel by  Bentley.General.Excel. Some sample codes as below:

            ExcelWorkbook MyExcelBook = ExcelWorkbook.Create();
            ExcelWorksheet MySheet = MyExcelBook.GetSheet(1);
            MySheet.GetCell(1, 3).Value = "testAAA";

It created an excel workbook on background, and when it quit, it will show excel dialog to save/don't save/cancel the new workbook.


1. Excel is run on background and invisible, is it possible to show it?

2. How to get the active workbook/worksheet?

3. How to close the unsaved workbook without the save dialog?

4. Does the bentley excel API just provide some simple functions only (about 16 functions under Bentley.General.Excel ), if I need more functions, I have to use MS office COM like MVBA?

Thanks a lot.