[OBD Connect Edition Update 8 C#] Locate ECSchema (i.e. StructuralModelingComponents.06.00)

Hi everyone,

I am trying to locate an ECSchema (i.e. StructuralModelingComponents.06.00) that is located in ..\OpenBuildingDesigner\Assemblies\Schemas (so outside of ..\OpenBuildingDesigner\ECSchemas).

My question is:

1. How does one find a schema in a folder not part of MicroStation?
2. Is there a configuration variable that points to schemas not known to MicroStation?

I tried so far without success:


- DgnECManager.DiscoverSchemasForModel()

This is a follow-up question to https://communities.bentley.com/products/programming/microstation_programming/f/microstation-programming---forum/221161/connect-c-grid-created-by-grid-manager
