[CONNECT Update 16 C++] Delete DgnLink

Thanks to a tip from  we know how to add (attach) a DgnLink to an element...

	DgnLinkTreeSpecPtr		spec 		= DgnLinkManager::CreateTreeSpec(eh);
	const bool CreateIfUnavailable {true};
	DgnLinkTreePtr 			linkTree 	= DgnLinkManager::ReadLinkTree(*spec, CreateIfUnavailable);
	DgnLinkTreeBranchR 		root 		= linkTree->GetRootR();
	StatusInt 			status;
	auto 				leaf 		= DgnLinkManager::CreateLink(status, DGNLINK_TYPEKEY_File);
	DgnDocumentMonikerPtr	moniker = DgnDocumentMoniker::CreateFromFileName(L"C:\\temp\\test.dgn");
	DgnLinkP link = leaf->GetLinkP();
	DgnFileLinkP fileLink = dynamic_cast<DgnFileLinkP>(link);
	fileLink->SetMoniker(moniker.get(), true);

	WString 			name 		= link->BuildSuggestedName(&root, true);
	WString 			uniqueName 	= root.GetUniqueChildName(name.GetWCharCP());

	root.AddChild(*leaf, 0);

The code creates a new DgnLink as a DgnLinkTreeLeaf.  The penultimate line adds a new leaf to a DgnLinkTreeBranch, and the last line persists the tree. 

Now I want to — terminology alert — detach/delete/drop/remove a DgnLinkDgnLinkManager doesn't have such a method, but DgnLinkTreeBranch does have a DropChild method.  Presumably we examine a DgnLink branch to find a particular child, drop it and then rewrite the DgnLinkTreeBranch.  Have I deduced the correct way to delete a DgnLink, or is there a better way?