compile error trying to convert MDL to CONNECT

I installed VS2019, CONNECT and its SDK and I can compile the examples without a problem..

I am trying convert an MDL from SS3 to CONNECT. It is already in .DLL form and compiles within VS in SS3.

When the compiler gets to the type resource, I get this error:

[== Building D:\Users\KWA0GSU\AppData\Local\Temp\Bentley\MicroStationSDK\objects\fplcmd.rsc, (D:\fpl\devStudio\fplmdl\src\fplcmd.r) ==]
rcomp @D:\Users\KWA0GSU\AppData\Local\Temp\Bentley\MicroStationSDK\objects\make.opt
MicroStation Resource Compiler 10.16.01
BMAKE: no rules to build D:\Users\KWA0GSU\AppData\Local\Temp\Bentley\MicroStationSDK\objects\fpltyp.r
BMAKE: call trace
line: 69, D:\fpl\devStudio\fplmdl\src\fplmdl.mke
Mon Apr 04 15:30:20 2022, elapsed time: 0:00

My make file looks virtually identical to the myapp.mke example that compiles without error. Does anybody have any idea what could be going wrong here?

# Generate command table include & resource file using rcomp
$(o)fplcmd.h : $(baseDir)fplcmd.r

$(o)fplcmd.rsc : $(baseDir)fplcmd.r

# Create & compile the app's type resource using rsctype & rcomp
$(o)fpltyp.r : $(baseDir)$ \

$(o)fpltyp.rsc : $(o)fpltyp.r

# Set up to use dlmcomp.mki and dlmlink.mki

  • $(o)fpltyp.r : $(baseDir)$ \
    $(privateInc)fplids.h $(o)fpltyp.rsc : $(o)fpltyp.r

    make files are sensitive to white space and line feeds. Try this...

    $(o)fpltyp.r : $(baseDir)$  $(privateInc)fplids.h
    $(o)fpltyp.rsc : $(o)fpltyp.r

    Regards, Jon Summers
    LA Solutions

  • I had to copy over myapp.mke to get passed this error. Now here is the next one...

    [== Building D:\Users\KWA0GSU\AppData\Local\Temp\Bentley\MicroStationSDK\objects\fplmdltyp.r, (D:\fpl\devStudio\fplmdl\src\fplmdl.h) ==]
    rsctype @D:\Users\KWA0GSU\AppData\Local\Temp\Bentley\MicroStationSDK\objects\make.opt
    MicroStation Type Resource File Generator 10.16.01
    C:\MDLC\include\Mstn\MdlApi\mselems.h(11) : error: can't open #include file math.h
    C:\MDLC\include\Mstn\MdlApi\mselems.h(11) : error: No such file or directory
    C:\MDLC\include\Bentley/Bentley.h(46) : error: "This file is for C++ compilands only"
    C:\MDLC\include\Bentley/suppress_warnings.h(11) : warning: pragma not recognized.
    C:\MDLC\include\Bentley/suppress_warnings.h(12) : warning: pragma not recognized.

    Thanks for your help. 


  • I had to copy over myapp.mke to get passed this error. Now here is the next one...

    [== Building D:\Users\KWA0GSU\AppData\Local\Temp\Bentley\MicroStationSDK\objects\fplmdltyp.r, (D:\fpl\devStudio\fplmdl\src\fplmdl.h) ==]
    rsctype @D:\Users\KWA0GSU\AppData\Local\Temp\Bentley\MicroStationSDK\objects\make.opt
    MicroStation Type Resource File Generator 10.16.01
    C:\MDLC\include\Mstn\MdlApi\mselems.h(11) : error: can't open #include file math.h
    C:\MDLC\include\Mstn\MdlApi\mselems.h(11) : error: No such file or directory
    C:\MDLC\include\Bentley/Bentley.h(46) : error: "This file is for C++ compilands only"
    C:\MDLC\include\Bentley/suppress_warnings.h(11) : warning: pragma not recognized.
    C:\MDLC\include\Bentley/suppress_warnings.h(12) : warning: pragma not recognized.

    Thanks for your help. 


  • Hi ,

    For future (new) errors, please create new posts to help ensure when users search they can quickly find and resolve each unique issue.

    A couple necessary data points for migrating existing code:

    1. Build and Compile your application code projects from within the MicroStation Developer Shell (Run as admin). 
    2. Note many .h files that contained MicroStation Resources (compiled to - .rsc) should exclusively be placed in .r.h (resource file headers) in CONNECT.
    3. For MSCE code projects it is required and most convenient to verify your make file has two lines like in MyApp, like this:
      myapp.mke:11:MDLMKI = $(MSMDE)mki/
      myapp.mke:12:PolicyFile = $(MDLMKI)MicroStationPolicy.mki
    4. In your app's .cpp file I suggest to start by commenting out all includes and starting with just this one (#include <Mstn\MdlApi\MdlApi.h>) and incrementally expand adding additional headers as needed.  If you have many CPP files you could simplify by creating a single (1) YourAppIncludes.h and maintain a single list there. It's really a personal and design decision you can try to help improve speed, efficiency and consistency in your migration.


  • C:\MDLC\include\Mstn\MdlApi\mselems.h(11) : error: can't open #include file math.h

    Are you building your app from the SDK command shell?  All paths to header files should be resolved when using that command shell.

    Regards, Jon Summers
    LA Solutions

  • I am building from the SDK command shell as aministrator. All the included examples I have tried to compile succeeded without error. it does  not seem to like mselems.h specified in my header file during the type resource file generator.

    #include <Mstn\MdlApi\mselems.h>

    Comparing to myapp, I see only .r.h files in the header file. Is that a requirement? I don't see any mselems.r.h file available.

    I tried renaming my header file with a .r.h extension but that made no difference.

  • Hi ,

    From the developer shell, navigate to the folder where your make file is. Type: build verbose. Then review (long sequential file - from bottom up works best) and/or Zip and Attach it so we can get a better idea of what type of problem is being encountered.

    If you need more insight into how file extensions rules and dependencies are processed within the make file system (.mki files) this search can help provide those entry points:

    findstr -snipr "\.[a-z]*\.[a-z].*:$" "%SDKMKI%*.mki"

    Thank you,

  • Comparing to myapp, I see only .r.h files in the header file. Is that a requirement?

    Bentley Systems have a convention of specifying .r.h as the extension for header files that are safe to include in a resource file.  To put that another way, it may not be safe to include a .h file in a resource file. 

    If you look at mselems.h you can see that there's not a lot in it except a few #includes.

    Why do you need that header in your type resource?  What is in fplids.h?

    Regards, Jon Summers
    LA Solutions

  • Hi ,

    The build log starting at line 1840 indicates it is encountering an include of math.h (C/C++ header) in the resource file generation portion of the build process. I suggest:

    1. Rename your .r files to .r.h.
    2. Update other source code module references with the above
    3. Take a close look in (previous) .r files for include files, compare to some delivered examples for what you may need to include - or - comment out any C/C++ headers then use SD SearchTerm (search for definitions) to locate the correct header(s) to include.
    4. Recompile until any .r.h/.r C++ compiland errors no longer are present

    Target: D:\Users\KWA0GSU\AppData\Local\Temp\Bentley\MicroStationSDK\objects\fplmdltyp.r
    [== Building D:\Users\KWA0GSU\AppData\Local\Temp\Bentley\MicroStationSDK\objects\fplmdltyp.r, (D:\fpl\devStudio\fplmdl\src\fplmdl.h) ==]
    rsctype @D:\Users\KWA0GSU\AppData\Local\Temp\Bentley\MicroStationSDK\objects\make.opt
    MicroStation Type Resource File Generator 10.16.01
    C:\MDLC\include\Mstn\MdlApi\mselems.h(11) : error: can't open #include file math.h
    C:\MDLC\include\Mstn\MdlApi\mselems.h(11) : error: No such file or directory
    C:\MDLC\include\Bentley/Bentley.h(46) : error: "This file is for C++ compilands only"


  • Please post the contents of your file fplids.h.

    Regards, Jon Summers
    LA Solutions

    Answer Verified By: Ken Adams 

  • I think the only reason I need mselems.h is I refer to these 2 variables:



  • #if !defined (__fplmdlH____)
    #define __fplmdlH__
    #include <Mstn\MdlApi\mselems.h>
    |   Local Defines
    #define DCARTES                                 "DCARTES"
    #define IPLOT_EXIT                             -2130575360
    #define FPL_TERMINATOR_NAME                    "TERM"
    #define FPL_TERMINATOR_LIB                     "elemp.cel"
    #define FPL_TEMP_WP_MARKER                     "C:\\temp\\wpconvert.txt"
    #define FPL_TASK_ID                            "fplmdl"
    #define TEMP_NEWCEL_LIB                        "c:\\temp\\new.cel"
    #define AXIOM_TEMP_FIXER_FILE                  "fixerdgn"
    #define AIMSTP_CELLNAME                        "AIMSTP"
    #define AIMSTP_CELL_LIB                        "stamp.cel"
    #define AIMSTP_OFF_SWITCH_CFGVAR               "FPL_NO_AIM_STAMP"
    #define AIMSTP_CELLHDR_FIELD                   "AIM DATE STAMP"
    #define AIMSTP_STATUS_FIELD                    "APPROVED PRELIM FIELD"
    #define AIMSTP_DATE_FIELD                      "CHECK IN DATE"
    #define AIMSTP_STATUS_STR                      "PRELIMINARY"
    #define AIMSTP_DATE_STR                        " "
    #define AIMSTP_REVISION_LBL_STR                "REVISION"
    #define AIMSTP_REVISION_NUM_STR                "   "
    #define AIMSTP_ENGINEER_NAME_STR               "               "
    #define LEFT_JUSTIFIED                                255
    #define RIGHT_JUSTIFIED                                 1
    #define VIEW_WINDOW_1                                   0
    #define ICONCMDID_place_fplterm                         1
    #define ICONCMDID_place_fplline                         2
    #define ICONCMDID_move_stamp                            3
    #define PULLDOWNMENUID_fpl                              1
    #define TEXTID_ActiveTerm                               1
    #define TEXTID_FPLLength                                2
    #define TEXTID_FPLAngle                                 3
    #define TEXTID_StampAngle                               4
    #define MLTEXTID_rasterWarning                          1
    #define HOOKID_unload                                   1
    #define HOOKID_multi_asize                              2
    #define HOOKID_terminator                               3
    #define HOOKID_length                                   4
    #define HOOKID_angle                                    5
    #define HOOKID_toggleLength                             6
    #define HOOKID_toggleAngle                              7
    #define MESSAGELISTID_command                           0
    #define MESSAGELISTID_prompt                            1
    #define MESSAGELISTID_errors                            2
    #define MESSAGELISTID_misc                              3
    #define MESSAGELISTID_mdlApps                           4
    #define DIALOGID_termParams                             1
    #define DIALOGID_rasterWarning                          2
    #define DIALOGID_engNameWarning                         3
    #define TOGGLEID_placeDot                               1
    #define TOGGLEID_Length                                 2
    #define TOGGLEID_Angle                                  3
    #define FPL_LMSK0_REF_BDR_LEVEL                       256     /* level 9 */
    #define FPL_LMSK03_CHECKIN_DATESTAMP_LEVEL           8192;    /* level 62 */
    #define CMDID_PlLine                                    1
    #define CMDID_PlTerm                                    2
    #define CMDID_PlStamp                                   3
    #define PRMTID_enterFrstPnt                             1
    #define PRMTID_enterEndPnt                              2
    #define PRMTID_identifyElm                              3
    #define PRMTID_placeStamp                               4
    #define ERRID_cannotLoadCmdTbl                          1
    #define ERRID_termNotDefined                            2
    #define ERRID_cannotGetDotCell                          3
    #define ERRID_badDgnFileHdr                             4
    #define ERRID_multiRastersFnd                           5
    #define ERRID_badRasterName                             6
    #define ERRID_copyFailed                                7
    #define ERRID_cantAttachAimStampLib                     8
    #define ERRID_bdrRefNotAimCompliant                     9
    #define ERRID_cantOpenMDL                              10
    #define ERRID_timerFuncFailed                          11
    #define ERRID_cantGetRscCfgVar                         12
    #define ERRID_cantLoadFplComRsc                        13
    #define MISCID_loadRaster                               1
    #define MISCID_loadMDL                                  2
    #define MDLID_fplsite                                   0
    #define MDLID_cade                                      1
    #define MDLID_cadeDoc                                   2
    #define MDLID_cd1                                       3
    #define MDLID_autobdr                                   4
    #define MDLID_fplplot                                   5
    #define MDLID_multiview                                 6
    #define MDLID_wireclr                                   7
    #define MDLID_fcg                                       8
    #define MDLID_termblk                                   9
    #define MDLID_zblk                                     10
    #define MDLID_repabs                                   11
    #define MDLID_engrwp                                   12
    #define MDLID_wirewp                                   13
    #define MDLID_txe                                      14
    #define MDLID_rasload                                  15
    #define MDLID_findlib                                  16
    #define MDLID_fixer                                    17
    #define MDLID_office                                   18
    #define MDLID_spell                                    19
    #define MDLID_null                                     20
    typedef struct fplvars
    	int     placeDot;
    	int     lengthFlag;
    	int     angleFlag;
    	char    terminator[MAX_CELLNAME_LENGTH];
    	char    length[64];
    	char    angle[64];
    	char    engName[64];
    	char    stampAngle[64];
    } FplVars;
    typedef struct linkinfo
    	short AppID;
    	short myClass;
    	char dateStamp[80];
    } LinkInfo;
    typedef struct linkdata
    	LinkageHeader linkHdr;
    	LinkInfo      linkage;
    } LinkData;
    typedef struct firstPntDot
    	int             place;
    	DPoint3d        pnt;
    } FirstPntDot;