macro export stp files


Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
End Sub

Sub Macro1()
    Dim startPoint As Point3d
    Dim point As Point3d, point2 As Point3d
    Dim lngTemp As Long

    Dim modalHandler As New Macro1ModalHandler
    AddModalDialogEventsHandler modalHandler

'   L'istruzione seguente apre la finestra di dialogo modale "Esporta file STEP AP203/AP214"

'   Avvia un comando
    CadInputQueue.SendCommand "MDL LOAD AP203OUT"
    RemoveModalDialogEventsHandler modalHandler
    DialogResult = msdDialogBoxResultOK
End Sub

Implements IModalDialogEvents
Private Sub IModalDialogEvents_OnDialogClosed(ByVal DialogBoxName As String, ByVal DialogResult As MsdDialogBoxResult)

End Sub

Private Sub IModalDialogEvents_OnDialogOpened(ByVal DialogBoxName As String, DialogResult As MsdDialogBoxResult)

Dim path                                As String
Const CurrentFolder                     As String = "$(_dgndir)"

    If DialogBoxName = "Esporta file STEP AP203/AP214" Then

    '   L'istruzione seguente apre la finestra di dialogo modale "Esporta con nome"

        CadInputQueue.SendCommand "AP203OUT FILE EXPORT"

    '   Rimuovere la linea successiva per consentire all’utente di chiudere la finestra di dialogo.
        DialogResult = msdDialogBoxResultOK

    End If  ' Esporta file STEP AP203/AP214

    If DialogBoxName = "Esporta con nome" Then
    percorso = ActiveWorkspace.ExpandConfigurationVariable(CurrentFolder)
    CadInputQueue.SendCommand "MDL COMMAND MGDSHOOK,fileList_setDirectoryCmd " + percorso

    files = ActiveDesignFile.Name
    a = Len(files)
    b = a - 3
    c = Left(files, b)
    Name_files = c & "stp"
        CadInputQueue.SendCommand "MDL COMMAND MGDSHOOK,fileList_setFileNameCmd " + Name_files

   '   Rimuovere la linea successiva per consentire all’utente di chiudere la finestra di dialogo.
        DialogResult = msdDialogBoxResultOK

    End If  ' Esporta con nome

End Sub

Hello, I recorded a macro to export a files in "stp" format I modified the macro by inserting a form with a button and I defined two varies to specify the file of the file and the name of the files. The problem is that when the objects select and I confirm in the export form, the export panel in STP format closes but no files are generated. why.
thank you.
I was able to verify that if I delete "dialogresult = msddiaogaxresultok" the panel does not close, I must confirm manually and in this case the file is generated.

  • The problem is that when the objects select and I confirm in the export form, the export panel in STP format closes but no files are generated

    It may be that you've removed the dialog event handler too soon.  Remove (comment out) this line in your Main()...

    RemoveModalDialogEventsHandler modalHandler

    The correct place for that statement, according to VBA help, is the _OnDialogOpened subroutine.

    Regards, Jon Summers
    LA Solutions

  • Thanks for the reply, I did various attempts by eliminating "removemodaldiarogioventhandler modalhandler" without success but in the end I solved. The problem is that the window should not be closed and a confirmation was missing on the export button then I simulated the pressure on the export button "Sendkeys"%{e} "and eliminated" Dialogresult = msddiaogaboxresultok ".
    In this way you work working

    thank you    3010.export_stp.mvba

    Private Sub IModalDialogEvents_OnDialogOpened(ByVal DialogBoxName As String, DialogResult As MsdDialogBoxResult)
    Dim path                                As String
    Const CurrentFolder                     As String = "$(_dgndir)"
        If DialogBoxName = "Esporta file STEP AP203/AP214" Then
        '   L'istruzione seguente apre la finestra di dialogo modale "Esporta con nome"
            CadInputQueue.SendCommand "AP203OUT FILE EXPORT"
        '   Rimuovere la linea successiva per consentire all’utente di chiudere la finestra di dialogo.
        '   DialogResult = msdDialogBoxResultOK
        SendKeys "%{E}"
        End If  ' Esporta file STEP AP203/AP214
        If DialogBoxName = "Esporta con nome" Then
        percorso = ActiveWorkspace.ExpandConfigurationVariable(CurrentFolder)
        CadInputQueue.SendCommand "MDL COMMAND MGDSHOOK,fileList_setDirectoryCmd " + percorso
        files = ActiveDesignFile.Name
        a = Len(files)
        b = a - 3
        c = Left(files, b)
        Name_files = c & "stp"
            CadInputQueue.SendCommand "MDL COMMAND MGDSHOOK,fileList_setFileNameCmd " + Name_files
       '   Rimuovere la linea successiva per consentire all’utente di chiudere la finestra di dialogo.
           DialogResult = msdDialogBoxResultOK
        End If  ' Esporta con nome
    End Sub