[MSCE VBA] TrimSolidWithSurface and CapSurface failed

A solid which was cut by a shape, and we didn't know what went wrong and became a Smartsurface.

In Microstation, SmartSolid can be converted by:

However, VBA failed to cap that. Any idea?


Parents Reply
  • What tool with what setting was used to cut the solid?

    I used TrimSolidWithSurface method to cut the solid, because SmartSolid.SolidSubtract allowed you to subtract a solikd with a smartsurface, meanwhile it didn't allow you to subtract with a shape element. The closest point is on the bottom of circle, say (-0.7094775, 0.249787, -0.5).

    What method was used? To cap the element is something different than to convert the element. And in what version?

    .AsSmartSolidElement.CapSurface in MSCE U16. Do you have alternative way to cut the SmartSolid with a shape element? (such as convert the shape to smartsurface, so as to bypass the .CapSurface method)

    If you try to use VBA SmartSolid.ConvertToSmartSolidElement(shpaeElement), it will only shows:

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