Element Count using mdlLevel_getElementCount(lCount, ActiveModelReference.MdlModelRefP, oLevel.ID) with Connect Edition

We used to be able to use mdlLevel_getElementCount(lCount, ActiveModelReference.MdlModelRefP, oLevel.ID) to get an element count of a level in V8i, it seems to have stopped working in connect? it errors on MdlModelRefP with a type mismatch

  • mdlLevel_getElementCount

    If you're calling mdlLevel_getElementCount from VBA, then you have a function declaration in your VBA module.  Because MicroStation CONNECT is 64-bit, that declaration will need adjusting for CONNECT.  Please post it here so we can respond.

    The MicroStation V8 MDL Function Reference Manual includes the VBA declaration for each function.  You can copy that declaration (for the 32-bit API) into your VBA code.  Unfortunately, the documentation team did not provide that same courtesy for MicroStation CONNECT, which has a 64-bit API.  We have to guess what the VBA declaration might be.

    I recommend that you keep hold of the MDL Function Reference Manual for V8.  It provides a starting point to develop a 64-bit equivalent for each VBA declaration.

    Regards, Jon Summers
    LA Solutions

  • Hi Jon, thanks for coming back
    Declare this
    Declare PtrSafe Function mdlLevel_getElementCount Lib "stdmdlbltin.dll" Alias "mdlLevel_getELementCOunt" (ByRef pUsageCountOut As Long, ByVal modelRefIn As Long, ByVal levelIdIn As Long) As Long

  • Declare PtrSafe Function mdlLevel_getElementCount Lib "stdmdlbltin.dll" Alias "mdlLevel_getELementCOunt" (ByRef pUsageCountOut As Long, ByVal modelRefIn As Long, ByVal levelIdIn As Long) As Long

    That's a hybrid of your V8 original declaration and a CONNECT declaration.

    You have to recognise variables that are pointers in MDL.  Microsoft introduced the LongPtr data type to service pointer declarations.  See this Microsoft article.  They also introduced a macro to enable you to detect whether the platform is 32-bit or 64-bit, allowing this sort of declaration to work with both MicroStation CONNECT and MicroStation V8...

    #If VBA7 Then
      Declare PtrSafe Function mdlLevel_getElementCount Lib "stdmdlbltin.dll" _
        Alias "mdlLevel_getElementCount" ( _
        ByRef pUsageCountOut As LongPtr, _
        ByVal modelRefIn As LongPtr, _
        ByVal levelIdIn As Long) As Long
      Declare Function mdlLevel_getElementCount Lib "stdmdlbltin.dll" _
        Alias "mdlLevel_getElementCount" ( _
        ByRef pUsageCountOut As Long, _
        ByVal modelRefIn As Long, _
        ByVal levelIdIn As Long) As Long


    Public Function GetElementCountOnLevel ( _
      ByVal levelId As Long, _
      ByVal oModel As ModelReference) As Long
      Dim usage  As LongPtr
      Const SUCCESS As Boolean = 0
      If SUCCESS = mdlLevel_getElementCount(usage,  _ 
        oModel.MdlModelRefP, _
        levelId) Then
        GetElementCountOnLevel = CLng(usage)
    End Function

    The above code is untested, so you may have to footle with it.

    Regards, Jon Summers
    LA Solutions

  • many thanks for the pointers Jon, always a source of valuable info.
    i will have a loot in a bit.


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