[C# MSEC 10.16/ORD 10.10] Properties of Referenced ConeElement after transform to Master

I have ConeElements in a reference model that I'm trying to use the ConeElements center location and radius after being transformed to the referencing model. Once the transform is complete the range of the element is correct but the center point and radius are incorrect, very small.

Here is the code:

//element retrieved from a list of DgnECInstances
DgnModelRef dgnModelRef = element.DgnModelRef;
DgnAttachment dgnAttachment = dgnModelRef.AsDgnAttachment();
DTransform3d dTransform3D = new DTransform3d();

//pre transform
ConeElement coneElement = (ConeElement)element;
DRange3d coneRange;
coneElement.CalcElementRange(out coneRange);

dgnAttachment.GetTransformToParent(out dTransform3D, true);
TransformInfo transformInfo = new TransformInfo(dTransform3D);
coneElement.CalcElementRange(out coneRange);

Here is the results:

The range transforms correctly, but notice the values for center point, the X value should fall between the range high & low X values (unless I'm missing something.)

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