Connect VBA: Move active design file in Update Sequence

I needed to change the update sequence of the active design file. There was a very helpful VBA posted years ago here:

Attachment Sequence Order VBA - [Archived] MicroStation V8i VBA Forum - MicroStation Programming - Bentley Communities

But while noodling on that I realized that the update sequence is a stack and you can just basically just push/pop items in the stack to force the active design file to be first or last. This resulted in a much shorter vba so I thought I'd post it here if anyone wants to use it. I assume V8i works the same but have not tested it.

'-- Update Order is a stack, if you set an attachment's Update Order to a number greater than
'-- the total number of attachments, MicroStation will move all elements to fill the hole of
'-- where the original attachment was, and set the changed attachment's number to be last in the list.
'-- So if we go through the attachments in update order order (lol), skipping the active
'-- design file, you'll end up with an update order where the attachments retain the same order
'-- as before, but the active design file is first
'-- e.g.
'-- Before Update Order
'--     UO 0 => Attachment 2
'--     UO 1 => Attachment 1
'--     UO 2 => Active Design File
'--     UO 3 => Attachment 3
'-- Move UO 0 to UO 5, end result:
'--     UO 0 => Attachment 1
'--     UO 1 => Active Design File
'--     UO 2 => Attachment 3
'--     UO 3 => Attachment 2
'-- Move UO 0 to UO 5, end result:
'--     UO 0 => Active Design File
'--     UO 1 => Attachment 3
'--     UO 2 => Attachment 2
'--     UO 3 => Attachment 1
'-- Move UO 1 to UO 5, end result:
'--     UO 0 => Active Design File
'--     UO 2 => Attachment 2
'--     UO 3 => Attachment 1
'--     UO 1 => Attachment 3
Public Sub SetUpdateSeqActiveDesignFirst()

    Dim allAtt As Attachments
    Dim attCount As Integer
    Dim i As Integer
    Dim curUO() As Integer      ' Current Update Order array, index is the update order #, contents is attachment index number
    ShowMessage "SetUpdateSeqActiveDesignFirst started", "", msdMessageCenterPriorityInfo, False

    Set allAtt = ActiveModelReference.Attachments
    attCount = allAtt.Count
    ' no attachments? all done
    If (attCount = 0) Then
        ShowMessage "No attachements, exiting", "", msdMessageCenterPriorityInfo, False
        Exit Sub
    End If

    ' size the array and init all elements to zero
    ReDim curUO(attCount) As Integer
    ShowMessage "Saving current update order", "", msdMessageCenterPriorityInfo, False
    For i = 1 To attCount
        ' save the attachment index in it's update order position
        curUO(allAtt(i).UpdateOrder) = i
    ShowMessage "Adjusting update order", "", msdMessageCenterPriorityInfo, False
    For i = 0 To UBound(curUO)
        ' array element that is zero is the active design file, skip it
        If (curUO(i) > 0) Then
            ' set attachment's update order to the end of the list (plus some)
            allAtt(curUO(i)).UpdateOrder = attCount + 2
        End If
    ' save it all
    ShowMessage "SetUpdateSeqActiveDesignFirst finished", "", msdMessageCenterPriorityInfo, False
End Sub