V8i VBA - I Want My Very Own PropertyHandler!

This has bugged me for a while.  I'd really really like to create my own category of properties to associate with elements.  Way easier for users to query than tags, and something that Navigator can display in clash results.  I've been able to successfully read these properties that other applications (i.e. InRoads) are able to create on their own (lucky ducks), but no success adding my own.  I'd like to mimic the custom approach shown below to adding metadata.  Any guidance would be greatly appreciated!!!

-Christopher Johnson

Parents Reply
  • Hi, thanks for this post.

    What I find with ECProperty Specification however, is that the property becomes ‘road only’ and it can be modified programmatically by the propertyhandler but not directly by an user in MicroStation.

    Can you let me know if there is a way to add a default value to an ECproperty which allows to be read/write, and therefore be modified directly in the ‘Element Information’ box?

    Any help will be greatly appreciated.

