[V8i - VBA] Remove Enter Data Field

It would be nice if there was a tool to convert EDF. Would be more efficient than manual edit copy/paste. I might take a crack at it with VBA.

Thanks again!

  • Thank you for the assistance. I had a crash in Micro-station and never have gotten it back to working correctly. I lost the text import feature and the dim style import
    they nether one work now. I could not progress with this problem due to the new 1. failing to import ?

    Praise the Lord for His Mercy and Grace in  Christ Jesus
    Richard, Gmail.com

    Version: MicroStation V8i SS 10

    RJB Phillips III (Richard) Praise the Lord for His Mercy and grace in Christ Jesus

  • Thank you for the assistance. I had a crash in Micro-station and never have gotten it back to working correctly. I lost the text import feature and the dim style import
    they nether one work now. I could not progress with this problem due to the new 1. failing to import ?

    Praise the Lord for His Mercy and Grace in  Christ Jesus
    Richard, Gmail.com

    Version: MicroStation V8i SS 10

    RJB Phillips III (Richard) Praise the Lord for His Mercy and grace in Christ Jesus

No Data