Excel VBA App to extract tag data from DGN files

I have a VBA application in Excel that extracts tags data from DGN files and I am stumped as to why the code below will not work. At the highlighted line oTags is populated with the tags data but as soon as the highlighted line is processed I get an error -2147417848 Automation error "The object invoked has disconnected from its clients."

Does anyone know what would cause this? It seems like I might be missing a step somewhere.

Best Regards,
John Davidson

                Set myDGN = oMSApp.OpenDesignFileForProgram(myFile.Path, True)
                oScanCriteria.IncludeType msdElementTypeCellHeader
                'Only process Default Model
                Set oModel = myDGN.DefaultModelReference
                Set oEnumerator = oModel.Scan(oScanCriteria)
                Do While oEnumerator.MoveNext
                  Set oHost = oEnumerator.Current
                  If (oHost.HasAnyTags) Then
                    Dim vtValue As Variant
                    oTags = oHost.GetTags()
                     ' process tag array
                    For j = LBound(oTags) To UBound(oTags)
                        vtValue = oTags(j).Value
                        Debug.Print "Tag [" & CStr(j) & "]" = " & CStr(vtValue)"
                    Next j
                  End If