Check in file with VBA code


I have some VBA code where I run a process on multiple files it opens and closes the files outside of ProjectWise fine.  However when I run it inside of ProjectWise I need to hit the checkin button on every file I am trying to close - does anyone have some code they would be willing to share to allow me to checkin the files automatically without having to hit the checkin button every time



  • Dan, The way I would have written this type of interaction is with a standalone app that would connect to ProjectWise, check out each file, process it, then check it back in via the API. When files are opened through ProjectWise Explorer, the Explorer watches for them to close, then presents the button for check-in. When you are not using ProjectWise Explorer, you can present a less interactive experience.
  • Thanks for the reply Dean - I am still trying to wrap my head around ProjectWise - I have several tools that I have written in VBA that work well outside of ProjectWise and now don't work at all while used inside the environment - I am not the strongest programmer either so it looks like I will need to call in a little more help over here to get this to work - Do you know are there any samples out there to look at for the standalone API you are referring too - I did not find much when I searched


    PowerGEOPAK SS10 and ORD

  • Dan, The SDK examples are written in C/C++, which is the current supported method of using the api. Bentley suggests to use C/C++ to write the functions you need with an interface that could be called from VBA, VB.NET, etc. If you are not a strong programmer, you may want to export the files you want to process, then use your VBA to process them. Ask on the content management forum if there is a way to use a PowerShell script to export the files. You may be able to achieve your goal without API programming.
  • Thanks Dean I found some of the help files in the SDK downloads this weekend - I have a few people at work that may be able to help out with this - I am going to run some of what I found by them to see what they think


    PowerGEOPAK SS10 and ORD