ProjectWise CONNECT Edition i-Desktop integration module leaves Excel background process running and locks specified XLS file. Spreadsheet did not come from ProjectWise.

Here's our report.

Steps to Reproduce

1. Install ProjectWise Explorer Connect Edition ( with i-Desktop module for Microsoft Office. 

2. Modify attached code (below) to load some existing XLS file.

3. Execute the code.

Observed (Incorrect) Behavior
4. Observe Excel background process in Task Manager that locks specified XLS file.

Confirming ProjectWise Explorer as the Cause of This 5. Uninstall ProjectWise Explorer and reboot. 6. Execute the code again. Observe no Excel background process left after running the code this time, since ProjectWise Explorer is not running.

Expected (Correct) Behavior
Expected no Excel background process to be stuck running and locking the spreadsheet.

A. Problem has been reproduced only with ProjectWise Explorer CONNECT Edition ( running, not ProjectWise Explorer V8i SS4.

B. Important: This happens with attempts to access any Excel file — Excel file does not have to be from ProjectWise.

#include <tchar.h>
#include <ole2.h>

HRESULT CreateOleObject()

  IMoniker* pMoniker = NULL;
  IDataObject* pData = NULL;
  IBindCtx* pBindCtx = NULL;

  hRes = CreateBindCtx(0, &pBindCtx);

  if (hRes == S_OK)
    unsigned long u_bytes;

    hRes = MkParseDisplayName(pBindCtx, L"E:\\test.xls", &u_bytes, &pMoniker);

  if (hRes == S_OK)
    hRes = pMoniker->BindToObject(pBindCtx, NULL, IID_IDataObject, (void**)&pData);

  if (pMoniker) pMoniker->Release();
  if (pBindCtx) pBindCtx->Release();
  if (pData) pData->Release();

  return hRes;

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])


  return 0;
  • Reproduced!: Bentley Support reports that they've reproduced this ProjectWise Explorer CONNECT Edition bug and that they will fix it. No timeline provided for the fix yet.

    Defect #: This is Bentley Defect # 909740.

    Report It: If anyone else encounters this ProjectWise Explorer CONNECT bug that impacts Microsoft Excel, I suggest you report your problem to Bentley Support and ask them to fix Defect # 909740 for you.

    Workaround: A workaround is to use ProjectWise Explorer V8i instead of ProjectWise Explorer CONNECT. ProjectWise Explorer V8i does not have this bug.

  • Reproduced!: Bentley Support reports that they've reproduced this ProjectWise Explorer CONNECT Edition bug and that they will fix it. No timeline provided for the fix yet.

    Defect #: This is Bentley Defect # 909740.

    Report It: If anyone else encounters this ProjectWise Explorer CONNECT bug that impacts Microsoft Excel, I suggest you report your problem to Bentley Support and ask them to fix Defect # 909740 for you.

    Workaround: A workaround is to use ProjectWise Explorer V8i instead of ProjectWise Explorer CONNECT. ProjectWise Explorer V8i does not have this bug.

No Data