Problem Creating Audit Trail record

Maybe my declaration in C#

[DllImport("dmscli.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
public static extern bool aaApi_CreateAuditTrailRecordByGUID(int lObjectTypeId, Guid lpcguidObjGUID,
int lActionTypeId, string lpctstrComment, int lParam1, int lParam2, string lpctstrParam, Guid lpcguidGUIDParam);

I've got the GUID and use it below...

string sParams = string.Empty;
Guid gTempGUID = Guid.Empty;

if (aaApi_CreateAuditTrailRecordByGUID(AADMSAT_TYPE_DOCUMENT, docGUID, AADMSAT_ACT_DOC_ATTR, sComment, 0, 0, sParams, gTempGUID) == true)


Crashes my app Disappointed

I'm not passing any of the last 4 arguments. I just need a Comment on the New File (its not exposed in aaApi_CreateDocument).

Any suggestions??

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