How to create a new toolbar in the projectwise.

I am new to projectwise.
I have been working on creating a new toolbar in project wise which will have bunch of commands, but something is missing and the code is not working.

I am using this code
HMODULE hmodBitmapInstance;
HWND hwndToolbarInstance = NULL;
HWND hwndProjectWise;
HWND hwndCurrentWindow = NULL;
CString csStringTable = L"awomsg";
LONG lngButtonNames[1];
LONG lngStyles[1];


lngButtonNames[0] = 101;

hwndProjectWise = aaApi_GetOwnerWindow(NULL, &hwndCurrentWindow);
hwndCurrentWindow = FindWindowEx(hwndProjectWise, hwndCurrentWindow, NULL, NULL);
hmodBitmapInstance = GetModuleHandle(L"PWBVBatchPlot.dll");
hwndToolbarInstance = aaApi_CreateToolBar(hwndCurrentWindow, AATOOLBAR_TOP | AATOOLBAR_NOAUTOSIZE,
ID_TOOLBAR, hmodBitmapInstance,
IDR_TOOLBAR1, 0, csStringTable,
lngButtonNames, lngStyles, 1);

aaApi_UpdateToolBarButtons(hwndToolbarInstance, 0);

Please can anybody guide me in getting it work?

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