Update document attributes while creation of the document


I was trying to create a new document creation wizard in C++, which displays the document attribute read from the environment.

Looking at the sample code I was able to show the values in the dialog.

I am not able to update the attribute in the wizard/dialog. 

Can anyone guide me how can I do it?

I know we have to create the holder , link data and then update that holder.

But I am missing on how to get the information in the holder.

hAttrHolder = aaApi_EnvAttrHolderCreate();
aaApi_EnvAttrHolderInitWithExisting(hAttrHolder, lTabId, /*where should I get attribute id?*/);

It would be grateful if some one guide me through this.

Thank you.

  • The last argument of aaApi_CreateDocument is LPLONG lAttrId  (attribute id). The default should be 0 and it will be changed to the Attribute id if the create is successfull and you have your options to create an attribute sheet on document creation turned on. Are you using this function to create the document?  You can get the table ID from aaApi_GetEnvTableInfoByProject if you have the folder ID.

    Sorry for the late reply. I just saw this post.

  • The last argument of aaApi_CreateDocument is LPLONG lAttrId  (attribute id). The default should be 0 and it will be changed to the Attribute id if the create is successfull and you have your options to create an attribute sheet on document creation turned on. Are you using this function to create the document?  You can get the table ID from aaApi_GetEnvTableInfoByProject if you have the folder ID.

    Sorry for the late reply. I just saw this post.

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