ProjectWise WSG: how to run a spatial query

According to the WSG policies (Policies/PolicyAssertion/Persistence.SpatialQueries) it states that spatial queries are supported, along with the polygon type and the operator 'Intersects'.

The WSG documentation also describes the use of WKT geometry and use of the intersects operation.  I have tried to build a query but I can't find anything that works in the place of the [***] string:

Repositories/[PWREP]/PW_WSG/Document?$filter=geometry'POLYGON((-1.24933 52.1257,-1.24398 52.1256,-1.24392 52.1296,-1.24926 52.1296,-1.24933 52.1257))'+intersects+[***]

In practice how does one use spatial queries? I'm using API v2.5.