aaApi_Login fails with Error 58064 "Cannot login to the datasource Invalid user name and password combination."

I am trying to connect via the api to a Projectwise Server but get the error: Error 58064 "Cannot login to the datasource
Invalid user name and password combination."

And also this in the pw.log:

The username and password is set in the adminstrator as firstinitiallastname and the password which is what i am passing in.  They use a cloud server with gateway servers on site.  I am connecting to the cloud server.  I am able to list the datasources on the server through the api.

1- Do you know what the username/password combination issue might be?

2- Optimally, they would rather connect to the local gateway server.  This doesn't work at all through the api testing I tried.  Is this possible?

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  • Here is how I do it.

    //Interface Declaration

    //dialog suppressed
    [DllImport(@"C:\Program Files\Bentley\ProjectWise\bin\dmscli.dll", EntryPoint = "aaApi_Login", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
    public static extern bool aaApi_Login(int iDSType, string lptstrDataSource, string lpctstrUsername, string lpctstrPassword, string lpctstrSchema);

    [DllImport(@"C:\Program Files\Bentley\ProjectWise\bin\dmscli.dll", EntryPoint = "aaApi_GetActiveDatasource", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
    public static extern IntPtr aaApi_GetActiveDatasource();

    //Use of interface

    public static bool LogIn(string dsName)
    string adminName = "MyUserName";
    string pw = "MyPAssword";

    if (false == aaApi_Login(0, dsName.ToString(), adminName, pw, "")) { return (false); }
    if (IntPtr.Zero == (hDatasource = aaApi_GetActiveDatasource())) { return (false); }
    return (true);

    You can set the data type of username and password to IntPtr and pass IntPtr.Zero if you want the login to use Single Sign-on.